When I howl, they all come running -1-

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Picture of Riley Crème --------> 

On the side there is a YouTube video of 'Lighters' (great song!) but it's not the original. The original is Eminem ft. Bruno Mars, but I like this one a lot better. It's DeStorm ft. Megan Nicole (you can find them both on YouTube, they're amazing!)

When I howl, they all come running.

Chapter one

I froze from the sudden pain, screaming as my vision became faulty. My eyesight became only into black and whites, the colours of the surrounding bushes and harsh moonlight vanishing before I could suspect what was happening.

I screamed again as the bones in my arms began to pop and re-shape – while a horrible crack echoed through the woods.

My arms and rib cage began to re-arrange themselves to my vastly changing body, and this time I was so struck with pain that I couldn’t make a sound. My limbs grew and twisted slowly, one by one, confusing me to no extent.

No one had ever warned me of this, told me to watch out for it. And, by the extremely confused look on my sister’s face, I’m guessing that this didn’t come with puberty.

But I couldn’t concentrate on Louisa’s expression right now, as my lower torso and pelvic area were changing now, too – as weird as that sounds.

My voice was lost in my sister’s own screams as fur began to sprout from every inch of my body, the same time as my legs bent, extended and popped in an awkward position.

I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, and I didn’t know what to do now that it was beginning to die down.

What has happened to me?

Why am I on all fours?

Why is Louisa looking at me like I was a monster?

Then, I looked down, and realised that I was right on the mark. Underneath me, was a large puddle that was rippling from my sudden changing.

As my vision began to adjust and actually enhance, I gazed down into the water.

I screamed again, but the sound I ended up making was violent, huge and powerful. It was a howl.

I looked up, exchanged an anxious gaze with Louisa, and then looked back down into the water. At first I saw something horrid, beast-like and completely out of this world. But then I looked closer, and I recognised the same brown eyes in the animal that I had. Even its fiery red fur seemed to match my hair!

But, my small realisation soon turned into a whole new revolution. Because, staring back at me, complete with my foreign features, was a huge dog.

I was a werewolf.

* * *

That was me back when I was thirteen. Now, four years on, the change from human to wolf is as simple as riding a bike.

At first I had no idea what was going on, and I was so confused that I basically rolled onto my back, winced from my aching bones, and whimpered.

That was when Louisa came over to me, hesitantly patted me, and muttered incoherent words that seemed to calm me down. And, I soon found out that if I was calm enough and had enough determination, I was able to change back to human.

To this day, my sister’s the only one who knows about me… err… other life. I mean, it’s not like in the books where there’s a neighborhood pack that I could join to train up and kick some rogues' ass.

No, this is the real world.

And in the real world, I’m alone, the only one of my kind, and a social outcast at school.

When I howl, they all come running (On-Hold - sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now