Dine and Dash

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Chapter 2 is up and running.  Hope that if you guys enjoy you'll let me know or even vote if ya want.  Thanks a bunch.

Chapter 2

Paul’s Pov

Brooke, something was different about her.  Her look, her attitude, her smell; it was different.  She was different.  And being the nosey ass that I am, dragging Marko along with me I went to investigate.  Flying quietly, we landed when she stopped at a little home.  There was someone in the passenger seat, smelling like hard alcohol.  Brooke left the person and went inside.  Just sitting there, Marko started to fiddle with the patches on his jacket.

‘So, what now, get a snack?’ he asked, glancing to the truck.  Smiling, I shook my head.  Just then we heard something unlatch, and some windows were opened.  My small grin soon turned into a full on smile that could even make Marko look twice.  We flew back into the air, landing softly at the largest open window.  Brooke crashed on a couch, and turning to Marko, I nodded.  Jumping through the window, we barely made a noise as we touched ground.  Looking around, the first opinion of this place is that it looked awful. 

“Hey, Marko!” I whispered.  He turned, and I went on.  “For once I think I found a place messier than ours!” I laughed quietly.  He soon joined, but we abruptly stopped when Brooke shifted on the couch.

“Paul, what are we looking for?” Marko questioned, glancing around.  I shrugged, what was I looking for?  All I knew is that something was off.

“I don’t know; nothing?  Everything?”  I came up with as an excuse; well not really an excuse, because I was genuinely curious.

“Why are you wasting your time with this bud?”  To be honest, I don’t know; there’s just something about this girl.  There’s no way I’m gonna tell him that though.

“We have nothing better to do.  And stop it with the questions, would ya?” 

“Fine, fine.” He nodded, pacing around the room. 

Glancing at the couch, I couldn’t help but think ‘Well Brooke, don’t mind if we look around do ya?’ no response.  ‘Didn’t think so.’  Abruptly turning, I saw a set of stairs, and taking the opportunity, I ran over and up to the top.  Marko was laughing, so looking down to him, I saw he was laughing…at me?  Well, this isn’t new, but I’m not in on the joke.  That is something that won’t sit well with me.  Sending him a questioning glance, he stopped his laugh fest.

“Man, you’re acting like a five year old waiting to open his birthday presents.  I’m just waiting for when you find out is that all you got were a pair of socks.” He smiled.  Pair of socks?  That is all he could up with, seriously.  There’s got to be something better than that here.  Looking back to all the rooms that waited, I mock saluted Marko, turned me heel, and opened door number one.  Inside it seemed to be untouched for years; all the furniture was still covered in plastic sheets, and everything was covered in a fine layer if dust.  What a nice place to call home.

Turns out that all of the other rooms were that way too, and there was only one left to go through.  Man, if Marko is right about this I might as well give up on all of this.  Sighing, I opened the door, expecting nothing.  To my utter surprise, there were no plastic sheets, but instead you could see furniture that looked appropriate for a kid, to be more specific, a girl kid.  There was a small bed with intricate detail, and a wooden dresser.  Better than the other rooms, but this isn’t too great either.  Sighing, I sat down on the bed, it slightly creaking, showing signs of long disuse.  There’s got to be something special about this place, about her.

There were a couple of boxes in the corner, so I don’t see any reason of not checking them out.  They were labeled as ‘Brooke’s’.  Sitting down, I opened up one of the worn out boxes, and could see nothing but clothes…boring, for the most part.   The only clear thing is that she owned nothing pink or purple, nor a single skirt.  Kicking it away, I reached for another box.  It was filled with posters, music, movies.  Investigating further, he opened the posters finding the titles of the bands Queen, Guns-n-Roses, Aerosmith, The Doors, and Pink Floyd.   Nothing girly, nothing cheesy; overall, this girl was pretty bad-ass.

‘Paul!’ Marko yelled.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘You’ve got to check this out man!’ Groggily I stood back up, and sauntered back to the stairs.  Looking down, Marko was nowhere in sight.  Hearing shuffling, I jumped over the stair railing, and moved to the cause of the noise.  In another large room, Marko seemed to be going through some large cardboard boxes.

“What’s the problem man?” I asked, eyeing the boxes.  He jumped around, a big smile on his face.

“Finally you decide to show up!  Here, look!” he said, thrusting a picture my way.  It was simple, just an ordinary family picture; two daughters, and two oddly familiar adults.  One of the girls resembled Brooke, well, a younger version of her to say the least.  Looking back up to Marko, he was so giddy he looked as if he were going to explode.

“What the hell is your problem?” I scoffed.  “It’s just a picture.”

“Just a picture?” he smiled.  This was really off, even for Marko.  “Remember when we first moved here?” he asked.  What does that have anything to do with this?   He continued, not actually caring at no response from me. “Ignore the kids, and imagine the parents alone.  I’m thinking of a restaurant where we went one night on a dine and dash.” He smirked.  It took a minute to click in my head.

We were only in town for a couple of weeks, and one night we decided to do something crazy; nothing new there.  Going down to one of the newly opened restaurants, we dressed up as waiters and waited on this couple that had to be in their late twenties.  They were nice, well who am I kidding, they were so nice that it looked like they would forgive anyone who would throw them off of the Empire State Building.  Trust me, that’s not something to forgive someone for…anyway, once they were done we led them out to the ‘back exit’.  They were confused, but before they could say anything we were on them.  That was a fun night, something that I won’t forget anytime soon.  Then something else clicked.

“Shit” I murmured.

Hope you get where I'm going with this, and if not, well just wait until I write it out.  Thanks for reading you guys!

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