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Liam Payne* Liam has always believed in spanking as a punishment and always gave several warnings before administrating a punishment. He isn't to fond of cursing, backtalk, or fighting. The quickest way to end up over Liam's knee is drugs. Liam is over hundred percent against smoking and drinking. Punishments by Liam are done in a secluded area.

Zayn Malik* Zayn, much like Liam, has also believed in spanking. Being raised by his father for most of his life, that's the punishment he always got. He's much more stricter than Liam and hates bad grades. He hates cursing and fighting. Zayn smokes cigarettes but the first time he finds his son or nephews smoking cigarettes, its an automatic 'go pick a switch'. He doesn't care who's in the room whether its family, or guests. If you deserve a butt tanning, you get one. simple as.

Louis Malik* Louis is sixteen and has a habit of pulling pranks on people; even if they're harsh pranks. He's sassy. He's the class clown in school but his grades aren't below a B. He sometimes skips class with his friends, hoping to fit in with everyone else. He curses a lot, and often finds himself over his dads knee.

Niall Payne* Niall is fifteen and curses like a sailor. He likes sneaking out to party and sneaks a drink with his friends. His grades are horrible and he's always finding himself in the principles office being suspended. He's always grounded.

Harry Payne* Harry is thirteen and acts like hes five. He's always throwing temper tantrums, it doesn't matter it he's in public or at home, if he doesn't get what he wants, he rolls around on the floor, screaming. He hates mornings and school. Often finds himself over his daddy or uncle Zayn's knee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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