Chapter 1.

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"Johanna, get up you're gonna be late," my Mom yells into my room. I get up from my bed clutching my ribs.
Last night was a rough one.
A night that I had to be the tough one.
I wouldn't allow my stepdad into the bathroom when I was taking a shower and he beat me when I got out.
It's kind of been a routine not a daily one but kinda often, he'll knock on the bathroom door and pretend he has to pee and he'd watch me while I'm in the shower.
My Mom works second shift at the hospital as a nurse. Sometimes she works doubles.
She has no idea.
Quincy Clark.
Her husband the man she married almost five years ago is not only a cop but he's a child molester.
I used to think cops were the good guys until teen black boys started dying and I spent a lot of my nights crying because of one.

"Come on Johanna," Kobe yells running out the house and to my car. I drive a 2010 Mercedes Benz.
It's a gift from my father he left it to me before he left and married a white woman and made another family.
I don't blame him.
Him and my Mom used to take turns cheating on each other. The day she told him he probably wasn't my father he left. He said I was the only reason he stuck around.
"We're gonna be late," Kobe whines while putting on his seatbelt.
Kobe is eleven and I've been his babysitter for a year now.
"Kobe, calm down," I say and pull off down the road.

We make it to the airport just in time.
He's here.
The guy who's picture I stare at every time I'm in the Wallace household.
Kobe's older brother.
"Damon!!!!" Kobe takes off running and jumps into Damon's arms.
I missed him.
He just gets me.
"Johanna James," Damon says with a smile on his face.
"Hey..." I stick out my hand for him to shake like its our first time meeting he grabs my hand and brings me to him.
He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips leaving me speechless.
"I missed you," he whispers.

It's complicated.
I'm complicated.
When Damon and I first met last year I was sixteen and he was almost twenty. That summer was filled with me crushing on him big time. We went on plenty of dates to dinner and the movies.
The day he was leaving he kissed me for the first time.
He kissed me goodbye and I've been sprung since.

"Johanna, thank you so much for picking up Damon," Mrs. Wallace says and hugs me.
"No problem," I reply.
"What's wrong with you," Mr. Wallace asks Kobe.
"Nothing," Kobe grumbles with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Kobe, baby, what's wrong," Mrs. Wallace asks walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him.
"Damon kissed Johanna. He stole my girl," Kobe whines.
"Damon did what," Damon asks walking into the kitchen shirtless with sweatpants on.
He must have taken a shower I can smell his men's body wash from across the room.
My eyes drop to his abs for a brief second trying to be slick about it but he catches me anyway.
"You two kissed," Mrs. Wallace asks with a smirk playing on her lips.
"My boy," Mr. Wallace daps up Damon before he can even answer.
"Man," Kobe smacks his teeth walking out the kitchen.
"I can't deal with y'all," Damon states with a smile and grabs a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge.
"I was waiting for y'all to get together. After all the dates y'all went on last summer," Mrs. Wallace admits.
"We're just friends," I explain and Damon laughs.
"For now," Damon replies and walks out the kitchen.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that one Miss. Johanna James," Mr. Wallace says to me. I walk out the kitchen shaking my head.

"You still mad," I ask Kobe as I tuck him into bed.
"Not really... You're way too old for me," he answers and shrugs his shoulders.
"You're pretty funny, Kobe. Goodnight sleep tight," I say and cut off his room light before walking out of his room.
"You going home," Damon asks as I walk past the living room. I turn around and join him in there watching Ride Along.
"I was about to," I answer and sit down beside him on the couch. His arm wraps around me and he pulls me closer to him. I lay my head against his chest feeling at home.
"How are things going at home," he asks looking deep into my eyes.
All he knows is that I have a strict stepfather.
That's all that I want him to know.
"It's alright," I answer looking away from him and at the tv.
"You know..." He grabs my chin making me look into his eyes. "I'm waiting for the day that you will tell me the truth about what's going on at home."
I shrug my shoulders.
"I just--- I can't talk about it," I explain.
"Can't or won't," Damon asks.
"Both," I answer and close my eyes burying my head into the crook of his neck.
He'd kill you.
"You have no idea how much I missed you," he whispers. "I thought about you a lot."
"I'm sure plenty of girls keep you company in Atlanta," I reply lifting my head and looking into his eyes.
"I only want you," he replies. "You're broken and I plan to put you back together again."
"Why should I trust you," I ask.
"I haven't given you a reason not to," he answers. "Why didn't you text me after I went back to school?"
"My stepfather checks my messages I'm not supposed to even think about talking to guys," I explain and shrug my shoulders.
"What's up with this stepfather of yours," he asks.
"He's just strict and overprotective," I lie.
He's really just a stingy man that says he's not going to share me with anyone else.
"You'll be eighteen in November what's he gonna do---" I cut him off.
"Can we stop talking about this please," I ask.
"Sure," he answers. I throw my legs over his lap and watch the movie with him.

The next morning I wake up lying beside Damon.
"Good morning love birds," Mrs. Wallace says while grabbing her purse from the table. "Breakfast is on the kitchen table." She must be headed to work.
"Okay, thanks," I reply and sit up. Damon rolls over looking at me.
"I have sweatpants and a shirt you can put on if you want to shower," he offers.
"I need to get home my stepdad is going to trip," I say and quickly lace my shoes.
"So you can't at least stay and have breakfast with me," he asks. Why does he have to be so cute?
"I really can't," I say and grab the rest of my things.
"Can't or won't," he asks with a small attitude.
"Both," I reply before leaving.

Pulling up to the house my stepdad is already standing at the glass door with his arms crossed over his broad chest. I climb the stairs and put my head down in shame.
"Where have you been? Who you been fuc%ing? You a little slut just like your mother," he states grabbing a handful of my hair and slamming me into the wall.
"I'm sorry. I fell asleep babysitting Kobe," I try to explain he slaps me across the face.
"You're a liar. I'm a cop I know a liar when I see one and you're a terrible one," he states and knees me in the gut. I hunch over in pain. "I take care of you and this is how you repay me by being a whore?" I groan in pain and from the hurt of his words.
There's a knock at the door interrupting his rant. I sit up and lean against the wall as Quincy cracks open the front door.
"Hey can I speak to Johanna? She left her phone at my house last night."
It's Damon. I watch Quincy's hand clench behind the door.
"She's not home," Quincy lies. There's a brief silence before Damon speaks.
"Her car is right there," Damon points out.
"Oh..." Quincy chuckles. "She must have snuck right by me."
I wish.
"Johanna," he calls out as if I wasn't against the wall right behind the door. I sigh standing to my feet and coming to the door.
"Hey," I say appearing at the door.
"What the hell happened to your face," Damon asks grabbing my wrist and bringing me to him.
Should I lie?

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