"Ah! Here it be Captain!" I heard Smee's tiny voice call out. The net didn't allow me a lot of wiggle room, but I used my legs to turn me in their direction. Though I couldn't see much, I could just make out Smee taking something off of his neck and placing it on a nearby wall. I heard a quiet creak and a few seconds later a terrible smell attacked my nose. I gaged a couple times and Hook and Smee did too.

     Smee remained, but Hook strode over to me, his boots heavily hitting the floor, increasing my headache. I clutched my head and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the room from spinning. Hook noticed and laughed at me again. That really pissed me off. But I had little time to act on my anger. Hook stood over me and pulled out his dagger. He raised it and I closed my eyes again.

      He's going to kill me right here. I just hope it's fast...

     But his blade never touched me. I heard his dagger tear through the thick ropes and felt them fall limp around me. Before I knew it I was pulled to my feet again, forced to face Hook. He said nothing as he pulled me over to Smee. I tripped occasionally, but I managed to keep myself pretty composed considering my current situation.

     Smee's face had no expression, and again, he didn't even look at me. Hook stopped a few feet away from him and waited. The smell was a hundred times worse over here, and I fought the urge to throw up again. I stood there confused, trying to read Smee's face, and suddenly Smee looked down. I followed his gaze and my stomach dropped. The creaking sound had been a trap door opening up. The floor disappeared below us, and I saw nothing but blackness. Smee's necklace with a small brass circle on the end of it, was wedged into a hole in the wall. That's gotta be the key. For the first time since Zeke had thrown me overboard so many weeks ago, I was scared of Hook. Terrified, because I realized that I wasn't going to be stuck in a cannon, I was going to be locked up like an animal.

     I tensed up and Hook squeezed my shoulder, turning me to face him again. "Alright, my dear. You have seriously tried my patience. You have refused every one of my generous offers. This entire island think I'm the most evil being to ever live..." Hook paused and smiled at me. "But they haven't seen anything yet."

     Without another word Hook pushed me backwards, sending me flying down the hole. I hit the floor butt first, and my head was whipped back. I cried out and my hands flew to the back of my head. I rolled back and forth trying to ease the pain, but it didn't help at all.

     "Because I am such a generous man, Mary, I've decided to give you one last chance. Join me." Hook called out from above me. "I will send someone to fetch you tomorrow and we will talk. I highly suggest you take my offer, Mary, because I promise, if you refuse, I will make the rest of your life hell." Hook waited a few seconds and I stopped rocking, trying to take all of this in. "See you tomorrow! Sleep well, dear." Hook sang out and slammed the trap door shut.

     The sound of their footsteps faded and I pushed myself up. Shakily, I stood up and reached above me. I couldn't feel the ceiling. I couldn't see it either. I slowly moved to my left, my arms extended in front of me, and searched for the wall. Almost instantly, I found it. I ran my hand over it, searching for anything at all. My left hand hit something bumpy and I froze. I felt the object with my fingers and a little spark of hope ignited in me. It feels like a cork!

     Desperately, I pulled as hard as I could at the cork. At first It wouldn't budge, but I wasn't going to give up. I bit down on it hard with my teeth and pulled. My teeth felt as if they were going to rip out but I didn't care. I yanked again and I felt it slide a little. I put my hands against the wall and pushed against it while pulling back with my teeth again. The final pull did the trick and I stumbled backwards, smacking my head on another wall.

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