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michael gordon clifford.
you are my best friend and have been since i first actually got to know you. i don't know how i hated you, because now everything you say or do is perfect in my eyes. your voice is angelic, you are the best at playing guitar and singing in the band, you're cool and funny and popular and everyone loves you.

especially me. you are beautiful.

and, mikey, i don't care that all your hair has abandoned all your body, i don't care how pale and faded you are, i fucking love you. please don't give up this battle, because im in love with you and i always have been and im sorry for being mean to you before, but it's because i was scared of what you would think, that you would disown me and hate me again, and i couldn't live with myself if you hated me.

fuck cancer, fuck humanity, all i want is you because it's you and it's always been you. i want to hug you and kiss you and hold you when you cry and call you mine and goddamn, michael, i want to call you mine.

i love you so much mikey, so much. please don't hate me.


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