"What is the meaning of this?" McGonagall asked in horror as she turned the corner. The look on her face was unreadable. Unfortunately, a few older students ran our way too. There were gasps and screams.

"Caught in the act!" another Hufflepuff boy yelled glaring at the two of us. Professor McGonagall made her way over to Justin. I've never seen so much fear on her face.

Peeves began to sing, "Oh, Potter and Nyx, oh what have you done,

You're killing off students, you think it's good fun!" He cackled at his joke.

"Enough Peeves!" McGonagall shouted at him and Peeves flew away cackling even more. "Potter, Nyx, come with me."

"Professor," I interrupted barely able to speak clearly. "We didn't do anything!" I would never do this to anyone... well, maybe Draco, my siblings, or my parents...but that was besides the point.

"This is out of my hands," McGonagall said and then we had to take the walk of shame through students who were looking at us in odd and scared ways.

We were sent to the Headmaster's office, luckily Dumbledore didn't believe it was us who attacked Justin. He offered us lemon drops and seats instead. Hagrid even burst through the door offering to swear in front of the Ministry that Harry, he then included me, didn't do anything. Dumbledore assured him that nothing like that would happen to us. Before we left, he asked us if we had anything to tell him. I thought about telling him the voices I heard, but I decided not to in the end.

Christmas break arrived quickly. I was thankful for that. Dasha and Eowyn left early on the morning of departure day, without eve saying goodbye. I woke up to a room full of empty beds. I needed to ask them what their problem was. Luckily, most of the students were going home. Unfortunately, Draco and his goons were staying. I guess it was good for Hermione's plan. Hermione said that the Polyjuice potion would be done sometime this week. I got the three some Slytherin robes easily from the laundry. My only other job was to wait at the entrance and let them in. Sadly Jake went home. He said he didn't like the cold very much and he missed the beach. He and his family were going on a cruise to St. Thomas. But, he did say that over the summer I could visit him in Hawaii. His house had multiple guest rooms because it used to be an old hotel.

I got up lazily on Christmas morning. I wasn't expecting to wake up to any gifts from my parents. I got dressed casually and walked downstairs to find Draco and all of his friends sitting on the couches with torn up wrapping paper all around them. Draco had a very large pile of opened gifts next to him. For once it was too early for breakfast, which was strange because normally I slept through it. I decided to sit down on the empty couch and finish writing Silvius a card until it was time to head to the Great Hall. "Didn't get any gifts Nyx?" Parkinson asked in a false sympathetic voice. "Parent's hate you?" She laughed as she went back to admiring the shining necklace in her hand.

"Yes," I responded sarcastically, although I knew it was the truth. At least Pansy and everyone didn't know it was actually true. Well, Draco knew the truth. He looked over at me for a second but then went back to opening his gifts.

Eventually it got close enough to the time for me to head down to breakfast. On the way I stopped to send Silvius and Jake the gifts I got for them. Even though I still felt alone this Christmas, it was better than most. For a change I got to buy more than one gift this year. Normally I only remembered Silvius, but this year I had actual friends and I wanted to remember them all. I bumped into them on the way from breakfast, "Hey guys!" I called. "Merry Christmas," I said handing them their gifts.

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