The Diary of Brielle.

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"Brielle Anne Devrie!" Ugh, mother's constant screaming at me sucks. She has this shrill voice that will bust your eardrums if you get to close. "Get down here now!" oh lord.



Throwing the covers off me, I sit up in my bed all zombie-ish. My hair is a rat's nest, I could tell. I got up, slipping my pink fuzzy bunny slippers on, and make my way downstairs. I sense this really can't be too well, considering my mom woke me up at noon! It's summer for Gods sake!! I'm supposed to be sleeping. Whatever reason she has, it better be a good one.



"I'm here! I'm here, my dear Satan why! Why must you wake me up at the crack of noon during the summer?!" I very tiredly yelled at her. "You know I was gone late last night!" Yeah, I'm a party girl. And damn proud!



"Don't use your father's name like that!" Oh, I gotta love that shrill voice of hers.



Yeah. Satan is my father. But, I'm also a vampire because my mom is all vampire and you get the point. I'm half demon, half vampire. And princess of Hell. And sole heir to the throne. Yeah. I'm her. I really wasn't the one to completely love being royality. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and all! But when people try and be friends with you just for money, it's just no.



"Sorry ma." I shrugged it off and made my way to the, very posh, living room. I snort as I sit on our new couch. "Ma, why do we always have to live like this? Like.... Rich people? I mean, I know we are and shit but still! No need to flaunt it..."



"Because we can, now run upstairs and look pretty and formal within the hour. Your meeting someone today. Now go!" She practically shooed me to the upstairs bathroom. Ugh, bitch.



I got an outfit consisting of my shortest black Daisy Dukes and a tight blood red tank top. Black and red is very original, I know. Note the sarcasm. I got my matching bra and panties and quickly showered, shaved, and you get the point. Anyways, I got ready within the hour, just barely though.



Just as the doorbell rang, I was finishing straighting my long blonde hair. I took my time making sure I looked the opposite my mother wanted me to look, I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when iw alked downstairs. Heading towards my room, I heard faint voices. Tuning them out, I grabbed my neon pink converse high-tops and went downstairs.



"So, ma, who exacl--" I kinda got distracted by the really hot dude standing in front of my mom. Jet black fringed hair, with a tiny bit of red tips. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect everything. "S-so uh, ma, w-who's this?" Yes like a little girl I stuttered in front of this... Greek God!



"Brielle, this is Jace Allister." Oooh! Smexii name. I nodded once. "He is a demon-vampire just like you and you are going to get married to him!" She happily exclaimed.



I just stood there, frozen in shock and looking back and forth between Jace and ma. Oh no. She expects me to get married to this Greek God?! Not that I wouldn't mind, considering I want to totally rip his shirt off and rape him right here, right now. But I don't even know him! She can't be making me do this. I look at him, and he's smirking at me. Growling, I stomp my happy little ass to him and glare.



"What! Why are you smirking at me?" I wanted to know!



"Dude, Brielle, i can read minds." Oh shit. That means- "Yes I know what you want to do to me." He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. I can smell him, and man he smells wonderful. He dips his head down and whispers. "By the way, you can't rape the willing."



"Well then. I guess I can't do anything." I push him off me and skip to the door. "Well, Ma, I'm not going to marry him. I'm going to marry Johnny-" My mortal boyfriend of three years. "And he's going to be my King. Not Jace. Now, I'ma just live with complete strangers until you realize this, mmkay?" I smile and walk out, slamming the door.



I wasn't really going to live with strangers, I'll just live at some hotel. I can do that, right? I look down and smile to myself. Nah, I can hitch a ride from some of the boys from my school. They simply can't resist my sexyness. Yeah yeah I know, i'm concieted. But I don't care! I pull my phone out and called Preston, total hottie and football captain. Also, my gay best friend.



"Preston, pick me up at the end of my street kay?" Knowing he would, I walk to the end of the street and sit on the corner. "Hurry up dude..." Although I knew talking to myself really wouldn't help, I still did. But, I saw his old Ford pull up. I must have superpowers!



"Sup, Brielle?" His voice was always sexy, and I swear if he wasn't gay, I would so date him.



"Preston. I'ma live with you, kay?"



"For how long?"



"Not long. Not until my mother lets me date whomever."



"Oh. Alright."



I prayed to god this would work. I love his house, don't get me wrong. But I also loved my very purpled out room. I miss it already...






A/N: This is a few months before the actual story plot, a prologue, if you will. Oh well. 


And feed back is greatly appreciated, I wanna know how terrible i am xD

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