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The voice keeps coming back, no nightmares are about her brother dying in various scenarios right before her eyes. Now they were all about her, and this voice in her head telling her how she was meant for more. 

And every time they would happen the earth would be destroyed, whether it be toppled building or burnt to ashes; and her friends would be dead before her.

"Steve's been talking about how distracted you've been lately, does that have to do with those nightmares?"

After the death of her other half she'd found herself drawn to the android who had saved her life and the man who Pietro had died for. Clint, the Hawkeye. If Pietro thought the man was worth risking his life for she was willing to give him a chance. Especially since he was the one of the only two who weren't afraid of her. 

The two sat on one of the many couches in the waiting room they had in the facility. Her fingers carding through the ends of her hair as she picked away the split ends. The only people she had actually grown to trust enough to tell about her nightmares had been him and Vision, the android who has saved her life in the floating city of Sokovia.

What neither of them knew, however, was how truly bad the dreams were getting. How they all revolved now around death and her murdering them, instead of about seeing her twin dying. 

Wanda shook her head and looked over at Clint, her hazel eyes looking at the older man in what she hoped would seem like casual curiosity, when really she hoped he wouldn't figure her out, "I am just tired is all Clint, I think the lack of sleeping is finally getting to me." She admits easily as she brings the back of her hand to rub against her eyes, a gesture she does when she's tired. 

The elder nods and leans back against the couch, his hands rubbing together ,"You look like hell kid, you should really try to at least get some kind of rest, even if it's just an hour or two during the day." He suggests and Wanda feels her heart race at even the thought of succumbing to her night terrors ,"With a power like yours I highly doubt it's safe to be doing what you're doing."

The Sokovian female had to side with him, he had a fair point. Plus, they'd never happened when she tried to sleep during the day, at least not before. "Tell Laura and the children I said hello Clint." Wanda says with the smallest hint of a smile as she pulls on the edges of Visions cape and walks back down towards her room.

Vision would give her his cape when Pietros jacket had to be put to wash, it didn't have the same comfort to it but it was better than having nothing and moping about the facility. The android had been so kind to her, it was odd. Since he wasn't supposed to have emotions but no one commented on it, in fear that it might set him off and back to a robotic stature.

Wanda yawned softly as she rubbed her eyes and gently pushed the door to her quarters open. It's weird how one single look at her bed makes her tiredness really come to her. Her eyelids start to fall shut and she almost trips over her own two feet as she lays on her bed. It takes a few mere seconds until she closes her eyes and falls asleep.


For a second she's relieved that there's seemingly nothing there to haunt her, that she's finally getting some more sleep. But that's over quickly. In the darkness a bright yellow light shoots out and she had to cover her eyes with her hands to keep it from blinding her. There's a sharp buzzing noise and her eyebrows furrow as she lowers her arms and sees the crimson skin of Vision contrasting against the practically white of the dirt covered cement wall behind him,

Her eyebrows furrow and she feels something hidden under his stare as he looks at her intensely. The small mechanisms in his eyes are working and his pupils are becoming bigger and smaller as if they were camera lenses focused only on her.

He isn't your friend.

Her eyes water and she shakes her head as her fingers dig into her palms to form fists on either side of her frail body. Vision continues to stare, his face a cold hard stoic statue. Wanda can almost imagine him as a sculpture in that moment. His body so still and his face something resembling marble.

He's a robot. He doesn't know what friends means.

The voice sounds like a snakes would, it creeps up her body and seems to hiss it's rude words into the shell of her ear. Her head snaps away as if there were actually someone there and a soft yelp falls from her lips when she feels her arm start to raise, despite her not wanting it too, and her fingers reaching outward to the android.

Do it. He saved you from being happy with your brother. He wanted you to suffer.

Wanda looks up and sees a sickening smile start to pull at the edges of the crimson skinned mans lips. It morphs his face into something that makes her stomach churn and a sob breaks free from the confines of her mouth as she shakes her head in disbelief. She forces her hand down and digs her fingernails into her palms. 

"He's not the bad one here."

There's a sharp crack and she looks at the ruins of the city behind Vision with scared interest and there he is. His wispy white hair, his outfit covered in dirt from running around and beating down the Ultron bots. Her eyes widen and she tries to advance towards him, towards Pietro, but she stays frozen in place. As if held back. Visions eyes now turn animalistic and he lunges towards the pale male making a sharp cry fall from her lips as she fights against the ever tightening grip holding her in place.

Pietro gets knocked down to the floor and Vision shoots a bright yellow ray from the stone on his forehead and Pietro is gone in a second.

Wanda screams and tears flow down her cheeks, along with blood trailing down her knuckles. 


She's still screaming as Vision rushes to her room. She's curled into a ball, fingers holding onto her hair so tightly it's probably hurting her and different items around the room are being held up by strings of red that flow out of her fingertips.

Vision's sure the whole facility has heard her screaming as he nears her trying to wake her up. Steve and Natasha are the first to crowd into the room, followed by everyone that takes rest here instead of actual homes.

"I have got her." Vision says calmly and the others watch intently as he presses his fingertips to each of her temples, sending something through to her that jolts her awake in a mere second.

The others watch in confusion and in fear as all the items around the room fall back down and her arms wrap around Vision, her tears falling onto his shoulder as she brokenly sobbed.

"You killed him." 

once upon a dream;; loki&wandaWhere stories live. Discover now