You hang out with him

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Smiley face
After that funny incident, all you wanted to do is stay home and chill, but a certain smiley faced killer thought otherwise. The next day, while you were watching jenna marbles on youtube, you heard the window open again. Curious, you put your laptop down, and pulled out your daggars. You slid down the rail of your stairs, and got into fighting position. "Hey! Calm down! Im not gonna hurt you. I just wanna hang out!" He said, putting his arms up in a defensive position. "W-what? Really? You're not going to kill me?" You said suspiciously. "I know it sounds so unlike me, but you seem different than the others." He said, looking at you curiously. "Well, thanks, I guess?" You said. After that, you guys hung out for about 3 hours. You also learned that he was drunk the night before, which was why he was so sloppy with his technique last night. You secretly thought that he was more sober than he let on.

Link lookalike

After lying repeatedly to the police, and telling them you had no idea who could have killed your "amazing parents" you finally got to go home. You weren't sent to a orphanage or foster home because you were actually 18, but your "parents" wouldn't let you leave. After you got home, you noticed that the TV was on. You knew it was probably the guy who had helped you with your parents, so you set down, and waited for him to make his apperence. You really wanted to thank him for his help. After a while, you found yourself falling asleep. No you thought. I need to stay awake. It was no use. You fell into a deep slumber. "(Y/N)!? Wake up!" You heard a deep voice say. "W-what?" You said, looking around confused. You looked up to see a guy who kinda looked like link with pitch black eyes with red pupils. "I'm BEN" he said. Your eyes widened. "B-BEN?" You asked, unsure. "Umm, yea. I hope that you aren't scared of me, or something." He said, looking down. "Scared? Why would I be scared? You helped me." You said, staring him down. "Uh, because I kill people?" He said, looking at you like it was obvious. "Wow! I had no idea!" You said, in the same tone of voice. "Wanna play video games?" BEN asked. "Yes!" You practically screamed. As you played video games, you learned alot about each other. Like how he hates it if you call him a midget.

You were still a little shooken up by what happened last week. To be honest, you wanted to see the strange man who protected you. It was Saturday, and you were really stressed because you finals were on monday, and you were no where near ready. Right now, you were studying your favorite subject, which was health. Normally, you would be relieved to be studying this subject, but right now, you were upset, because you didn't get what it was talking about. You were about to give up when someone said,"Need some help?" You looked over to your window to see the man from last week setting in it. "Umm...yea, actually I do." You two studied for about 3 hours, and by the time he left, you could finally understand it.
Laughing Jack

After that strange encounter, you were a bit wary to go near the abandoned carnival. Your mom told you that Mrs. Jhonson needed a babysitter to babysit her daughter Amelia, so you decided that you would go, because you really needed money to go buy some candy. Once you got to the house, Mrs. Jhonson told you the rules about how Amelia was to go to bed by 9:00, that she was allergic to peanuts, yada yada yada, so you just zoned out. You've been her babysitter since she was 4, so you already knew this. Finally, Mrs. Jhonson left, and you started on dinner. As you cooked, you could hear Amelia playing with her dolls. You thought it was sweet, until you heard another voice. You immediately tip-toed up the stairs, and opened the door. There stood the monochrome clown from a few days ago! He turned around, shocked, then looked at Amelia. "I didn't know that (Y/N) babysat you?" He said in his raspy voice. "You never asked." She said in a small voice. You took him outside of her room, and said,"If your going to kill her, don't do it while I'm here. I don't want to get blamed." He stared at you for a moment, befor finally nodding his head. You, him, and Amelia hung out for the rest of the day. A few days later, you turned on the news and saw that Amelia had been killed. You smiled, thinking about how the monochrome clown, who told you his name was laughing jack, had kept his promise. Oh well, you never liked that brat anyway.

You really wanted to see him again, but your mom had grounded you from leaving the house, because you had broke your phone. You couldn't help it that your now ex-boyfriend had kept texting you over and over again. He wouldn't be texting you now anytime soon. You couldn't help that you had really bad anger issues! Your mom knows that! Yet, here you are, stuck at home, and really bored. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed your bookbag, and jumped out the window, going towards the woods. Once you finally got there, you ran to your stump, and set down, your back against it. You looked at the stump, and wondered who chopped the tree that used to be there. You thought about how sad it was that people just walk into the woods with a axe, and chop down as many trees as they want. It irritated you. As if he could hear your thoughts, which he could, slenderman suddenly popped out from behind you. "Its sad, isn't it?" He said. "Yes, it is. They don't have the right to just chop down all these trees!" You said. For a while, you guys just talked about nature, then books, then just random stuff, until you fell asleep on his lap. You woke up in your bed, and saw he had left a note:

Dear (Y/N)

See you tommorrow

- Slenderman

You smiled, as you layed down and went back to sleep.

(A/N) done! I will probably add ticci toby, bloody painter, and BRVR sometime tomorrow.

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