Part 1

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Walking out of the airport, bag in hand, She calls for a taxi.

"Where you headed?" The cab driver asks, sounding like he started smoking when he was 12 and never put down the carton.

The girl hands him a piece of paper without saying a word. He gives her a nod and drives off.

The cab ride was silent, the girl was nervous, and the man simply didn't care. When the taxi comes to a stop the girl pays the man before grabbing her bags and stepping out of the vehicle. She walks up to the giant building and step through the automatic glass doors. She walks up to the front desk in silence until the secretary turns her attention to her.

"Mikasa Ackerman." The girl states.

"Ah yes. Floor 5, room 56." The secretary says pointing to the elevator.

The girl walks over, presses the elevator button and steps inside followed by a shorter man. The door shuts and they slowly start going up.

"Where are your parents, are you lost?" The man starts "Because its obvious that someone of your age couldn't work here and you definitely don't have a boyfriend here, that would be pedophilia."

"Where's your babysitter, because it's obvious someone of your size wouldn't be allowed out by them self." She says mockingly. They don't look at each other and silence once again fills the air. The elevator finally comes to a stop and both people step out. They both walk down the long white hallway until they reach room 56. The girl opens the door first and enters the room, followed by the short man from the elevator. They both take seats at opposite ends of the table.

"Mikasa Ackerman I assume." The man says.


"My name is Levi Ackerman and I will be interviewing you today. Let's begin. Do you have any prior work experience?" The man says.


"Have you finish high school?" He asks.


"What are your hobbies?" He asks.

"Shopping." She says sarcastically.

"I've heard enough. I don't think you are cut out for this job. You have no experience, you aren't very personably, and you've already given me attitude. I think I'll just going to wait for my partner to come so he can send you home." He says with a smile.

The door suddenly swings open and a man with giant, weird looking glasses enters the room.

"Hi! I see you've met Levi, my name is Hanji." The man say with a big smile. "So Levi what do you think so far?"

"This is a waste of time. I don't like her." Levi says.

"May I ask you a few questions?" The man asks, turning her attention to the girl.

"Do you have a criminal record?" Hanji asks.


"Where are your parents at this time?"

"They died 2 years ago."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?" Hanji asks.

"They were murdered."

"Were the people ever convicted?"


"Where have you been living since?" Hanji asks.

"With a few different gangs."

"How did you get in that situation?" Hanji asks.

"I was kidnapped and left in a dark basement for months until I broke out. Now I live with them."

"Do you have any family alive?"


"Why did you join the gangs?"

"I needed a place to live since I have no more family alive."

"If you had a place to live and if you had food and money would you still be in the gangs?"


"Mikasa you're hired. Levi will take you to your new room and will explain everything." Hanji says sounding really excited. The girl gives a nod and gets up from her seat. Levi exits the room without a word and the girl follows close behind levi. The long walk down the hallway and back to the elevator was silent.

"So there are some rules you need to follow. 1- the curfew is 10pm, 2- no intimate relationships with co-workers, 3- always be to training on time. These should be easy to follow. Oh and training is at 6am every morning, so first thing tomorrow you will report to the gym and I will show you the ropes." Levi says stopping front of a room and handing the girl the keys. "This is your room, mine is next door so if you need anything just ask."

The girl grabs the keys and opens the door. The room looks like a hotel room, generic and bland. She set down her luggage and lays on the bed face up. She turns to her alarm and sets it for 6am. She gets up, strips down to her underwear, before shutting off the lights and going to sleep early.

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