ronaldo's career

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once apon a time there was a boy Ronaldo. he would always train to be a professional soccer player. ronaldo was born February 5th 1985 he backgorund is Portugal. ronaldo always used to train with he's dad. when ronaldo went to the park this 4 kids used to tease him but ronaldo didn't worry about them ronaldo just kept on training with his dad. when ronaldo kept on growing and growing and getting better and better at soccer. when ronaldo was 18 he got signed by a club called manchester untied in 2003 2 years later his dad died because he was drinking to much so ronaldo didn't play for 1 month. then in 2006 he became the one of the best soccer players in the world. then in 2008 he got signed by real madrid and started playing as good as he was at manchester untied. ronaldo never could stop thinking about his father. but he still focused when he was playing soccer. ronaldo's dad told him to always focus when his playing soccer.then in 2008 2012 and 2015 ronaldo won 3 ballon soccer trophies and became the world's best soccer player in the world. now in 2015 ronaldo is still the bet soccer player in the world and he will never forget what his dad has done for him and his career is still going ronaldo is currently age 30 and he is still in real madrid. that is the end of this story i will be making other one's like Messi or Neymar hope u liked the book 😎😎😎

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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