Chapter 1

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"So, what's Black like?"

The words had left a boy who was, repeatedly, tugging at the green hood that covered his head, seeming as if he was making sure it never fell off. He spoke to a hyper looking teen who couldn't seem to keep still for more than a few seconds at a time. The boy's hands went up to toy with his pink locks, grinning.

"Black's amazing! He's super tough, one time when we were at a cafe on Maroon Road he beat up like three guys!"

Pink couldn't wait until Black's return, waiting in the airport was so boring but he had wanted to make sure that he was the first person Black saw when he got off of the plane. It had been three weeks since he'd left! Pink was beginning to become especially restless without his most favorite person in the world by his side.

"Wait, seriously? Did he get arrested?" Green asked, voice filled with shock, he had not expected Pink to be hanging around with someone like that. Of course, he hadn't expected some sort of saint, he was a dark color. But the little ball of excitement usually hung around soft-spoken people, he made up for their lack of talking.

The smaller boy grinned, an almost mischievous look. His bright hair moved with him as he shook his head, a little more force than what was entirely needed. "No way, we ran away before they could catch us."

The smaller teen pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking the time for the seventh time in the past half-hour. His free hand toyed with the small, black ribbon that hung from around his neck; a keepsake from the Dark color before he'd left to visit the Country of Water Colors. 

Green began to think about what kind of person Black was. Obviously some huge brute with a bad attitude, who fought three guys in a cafe? The older male crossed his arms over his chest, frowning. He really wished Pink hadn't convinced him to come and meet his 'best friend'.

Suddenly the bright color jumped out of his seat, making Green jump, and called out, "Black!" Pink sprinted towards the door where dozens of colors were filing out from their flight.

The hooded boy craned his neck, wanting to see what the infamous Black actually looked like.

It wasn't anything like he expected.

Pink had thrown his arms around some girl, who was obviously called Black due to her hair and clothing choice. But, she couldn't possibly be who Pink was talking about. For one, Green was definitely sure that he'd heard the bright color say that his friend was a boy. Plus, the girl who Pink currently had lifted up off the ground and spun in a circle didn't look like she could hurt a fly

She was shorter than Pink, which he didn't even know was possible, and wore some really girly clothes; ruffles in the skirt and a bow at the waist, her shirt looked like something out of a schoolgirl show or something. Weirdly enough, she had a pink bow in her hair, he wasn't sure why no one had confiscated it from her because it was completely against regulation.

Green's lips formed a line as Pink dragged the girl by the hand over to him.

"Green, this is Black. The one I was telling you about!"

Black offered him a small smile, leaning into Pink slightly, before Green asked, "Wait, what. She's a guy?" Black's cheeks took on the dark color that ran through his veins, clearly embarrassed, as he nodded his head in reply. "Yeah, nice to meet you."

Even his voice was way too girlish to actually be a guy; it was soft and sweet, like a child who hadn't gone through puberty. 'What a weirdo,' Green thought to himself, 'What guy wears a dress, just because.'

The oldest of the three watched as Pink wrapped his arms around the girly-boy's waist and pulled him close. Were they...

"Are you two... dating?"

Green sort of cringed at the words as he watched Pink let out a laugh before leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Black's head. The dark color's cheeks flushed again.

They never actually answered his question. 

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