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I'm searching for something that I can't reach.

"God fucking damn it, Sly." I shake my head, tears in my eyes, whispering to myself on the front porch of my house at nearly 2am.

I sigh, lifting my head up to the stars and counting each and every speck until I lose myself in the beyond.

"..22, 23, 24, 25.." I count, getting a headache from staring for too long in the process.

"26, 28, 29.. Wait, did I forget 27? Fuck." I mumble to myself, lowering my head once again in defeat.

I sit there for a bit. Thinking, wondering, pondering.

Different names for the same thing, I suppose. Whatever, it still helps me lose track of time easily.

I don't like them innocent
I don't want no face fresh

Two years ago I fell in love with a stupid boy named Eddie.

June 16th, 2013.
815 days ago.

We were sitting on the dirty grass in his crammed backyard, laughing so hard I was sure my lungs might give out.

I swear the fences in his backyard were closing in on us, but he made me feel a little less claustrophobic with his comforting smiles.

I fell in love with the quickness of his voice and the way he never ran out of words to say.

Funny that I, a slow speaking, stuttering mess who would lose thought in the middle of sentences would fall in love with a guy who never stopped talking.

Opposites attract, they say.

Want them wearing leather
Begging, let me be your taste test.

Jump to August 23rd, 2013.
747 days ago.

We were starry-eyed and staring at the dark sky at midnight, Eddie and I, in his damn crammed backyard yet again.

"What do you fear?" He turned to me and asked.

"The future," I had said.

"Being forgotten," was all he replied.

Mouth full of white lies
Kiss me in the corridor,
But quick to tell me goodbye.

Eddie Cardona will never be forgotten, that's for sure.

He's not the kind of person you just forget, his impression will stay with you for the rest of your life.

You will remember his voice.
You will remember his smile.
You will remember the way he made you feel, like it or not.

You can't forget him once you've known him like I did.

You say that you're no good for me
Cause I'm always tugging at your sleeve

Jump back to November 30th, 2013.
648 days ago.

I was in his car, watching droplets of rain sink into the bottom of the window slowly.

He fiddled with the radio a little bit, and I watched the way he smiled when he found a song he had liked.

Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men

"I'm such a creep for looking at Sly like this." I had thought to myself, returning my eyes to the window and scratching my head.

When the car came to a stop, we were at my house, and he walked me to my door until stopping to take a look at me.

"You're cute when your hair's wet." He smiled.

I laughed, because I didn't think he could possibly be serious until he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me, nervously and softly, and I kissed back.

Ghost :: Slypkc One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now