dark alleys

364 13 1

As I stepped off the train the fumes of the station filled my lungs.



I slung my guitar strap around my shoulder tucked my ukelele in my backpack and set off.

admittedly I was lost at first. I found myself on a side street filled with unreccognisable houses that seemed to go for miles, so I did the only thing a young person does in this day and age.... I took out my phone and searched for the route on google maps.

But, unfortunatelly after about 20 minutes of walking I was still not where I needed to be so I opted for plan B .... ask a stranger.

I soon found myself near flats, fancy ones by the looks of it.

I caught sight of someone down the alley of one of the flats so I piped up,

"excuse me mate, can you help me with some directions please? I'm lost"

the figure turned to me and walked towards me not fully out of the shadows yet still enough so that I could hear him and make out his silhouette. he then procceded to look behind him and shout,

"oi Andrew this young lady is lost, come over and help me give her directions!"

I could hear a slight tone of humour in his voice. Maybe he wasn't taking my situation seriously, but the other man called Andrew proceeded towards me too.

"Tell us sweetheart are you on your own?"

I replied hesistantly as I wasn't sure what this had to do with directions,

"y-yes I am, could you two please help me with some directions I seem to be lost?"

then the one I had first spoken to grabbed my arm making me drop my suitcase, guitar and bag containing my ukelele and that's when i realised.... i had been incredibly stupid to assume that these men lived here.

His grip on my arm tightened causing me to yelp in pain but this caused him to throw me on the ground and wind me by kicking my stomach, at this point I hadn't even noticed that the other one was iny suitcase looking for valuable items,

"you found anything yet andrew?"

I tried to speak to stop them but as soon as my mouth opened the larger male started to kick me, I felt the bruises forming on my stomach.and back already so I instinctively cover my head with my hands.

"i found some money and a phone!"

"good now help me kick the shit out of her!"


"because Andrew the vital part is she now knows your name!"

so they both procceded to violently wound me.

I dealt the blood run away from the skin from the spots that they had kicked almost like it was retreating in fear. I felt myself fade as theyoved more towards my head then I thought to myself:

'what if this is it, the end, nobody will save me'

but soon that speckle of doubt became a glimmer of hope as I heard two different voices,

"hey! get off of her!"

"leave her alone!"

and with my phone and money they ran.

I didn't move from my curled up position.

I kept my hands over my head whilst footsteps approached me.

faded memory (dan and phil)Where stories live. Discover now