Some others I've seen
Might never be mean
Might never be cross
Or, try to be boss
But, they wouldn't do

Everytime she sings, my heart leaps. Her voice so soulful, soothes your pain inside. I closed my eyes while she taps her hand on my arm. I feel like I'm a little child longing for this warmth.

For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you

'Cause nobody else gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I love you still now
And it had to be you, it just had to be you
It had to be you


I let Meg rest, she fell asleep after I sang to her. I leave her for a while and clean up some mess we left outside. I checked my mails and bills, I saw this invitation for Meg. She's been invited for a photo exhibit where she can display her own photos. I believe in her talent she just need some pushing. I will talk about this with Meg, I hope she joins this exhibit.

After cleaning up and cooking dinner I went to our room to check on Meg. Her temperature is now normal. I woke her up.

Kissing and back hugging her, "Babe, come on. Let's eat supper." I'm glad she's getting better.

"Mmm, my personal nurse is the sweetest." She turns around and asked me, "Are you this sweet with all your patients, baby?" Hmm a jealous Meg.

"Not this sweet, baby." I replied. Kissing her lips, I wrap her in my arms. "But my baby needs to eat and take her medicine, so we can make love when she's well." I murmured at her.

"What? We still can make love even if I am sick!" She said bragging.

"No, baby. You will only feel worse. First of all you are weak, second of all when you get up you'll feel dizzy but you will not admit it for sure. Third of all you'll be needing your 100 percent strength when we make love." I explain to her. But what the heck I was saying, I can make love to her even if she's sick.

Her face so clueless and blank. "Let's go outside, baby?" I helped her get up. I put on her robe so she'll feel warm.

"Thanks, baby. I'll just use the bathroom. I'll follow you outside." Meg said. She's still sniffing and sneezing but her temperature is normal.

While we are eating, I handed Meg the invitation I saw in our mailbox. "Meg, I found this in our mailbox."

She opened it and read it and put it down. "Photo exhibit? I think our photographer in the magazine was the one who sent this. I told him I'm not interested." She murmured.

"Why not, babe? I think you should try. Think about it, please?" I begged her.

"Okay, I'll think about it. But I'm not promising anything." She said unsure.

"Baby, believe me. You are a great photographer." I winked at her and gave her medicine.

"What if I said yes to this, what would be my reward?" She asks.

"Reward? Hmm...I think we deserve a vacation. A romantic place, just you and me. What do you think?" I tease her.

"That's tempting, baby. I think I will have to say yes to this." She said happily.


It's been a busy week for me. I have deadlines for my magazine and also preparing for the photo exhibit. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I've shoot some photos, to be honest I really love taking photos. It is one of my passion, but when I got here in NYC life has been busy. I set my priorities in studies and work at that time until I got this job, I became really busy.

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