Bad News Comes in More Than Threes

Start from the beginning

In his cabin, she sat next to him and held his hand for reassurance. She looked at the others as if contemplating what to say then said, "Eleanor has been captured by the British, she's on her way to face trial for treason in England."

"What? When did this happen. Give me dates, Cathy." He let go of her hand, astounded at what he heard.

"I can't give you dates. I'm lucky I'm alive. Someone at the inn put an overdose of opium in my rum. This is my first day out of bed, if you must know. And if you want to know whom I suspect, I am guessing that Hornigold is behind it. He did this to me before Eleanor was taken, I think he was afraid I was going to find out and get her away before he could get his hands on her. I missed Richard Guthrie's funeral and I don't know what else. I think the consortium was starting to resent her. Those fools didn't realize..."

"Richard Guthrie's funeral? Whatever are you speaking of, Cathy?" Flint could not believe what he was hearing. When he left Nassau to head to Charles Town, everything appeared normal, or as normal as Nassau ever would be.

"I think Charles can tell you about that." She looked accusingly at Vane, and he realized he would have to answer to her for it. Now that time had passed, he regretted killing Guthrie. He had hoped to put it out of his mind and forget it, as he had so many others, but he knew Cathy would hold him to account. What had she told him once, "It appears that I am your conscience Charles, for you seem to have lost yours along the way."

"Can we discuss this later? I know I will be made to pay the piper." He smiled at her and watched the corners of her mouth twitch as she tried not to smile in return.

"Well, what if I wish to discuss it now?" insisted Flint,

"There is a more important matter, something you will want to know. May I continue?" he nodded his head.

She took a deep breath, looked round the table. "Rackham has stolen the Urca gold. I found this out from Max after I regained consciousness. She knows where it is, but hasn't told me yet. I haven't been well enough to do anything about it. I don't think it will be moved, but I don't know Rackham's mind."

"How did he get it?" Silver spoke for the first time.

"Well, somehow word must have spread about the location. Max told me there was a battle, but Rackham prevailed in the end. His new crew, you know, were much fresher than the Spaniards who had been on the beach guarding it for weeks. Anyway, he was able to capture it, and for some reason told Max about it, not realizing that out of friendship, Max would tell me. Not that I'm in any position to do anything about it."

"Anyway, you are in a quandary. If they get Eleanor to England, she will hang for sure. And if that gold is left in Rackham's tender care it will not be safe for long, or remain where it is. That is your gold, big brother, as far as I am concerned. Rackham paid no price for it, he merely took it. Now, I know you need to rest and re-fit the ship, but if you don't do something soon, you will lose both gold and Eleanor."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Hornigold has taken back the fort and begun to rebuild it. That fort meant a lot to him, and he didn't take losing it lightly." She covered her face and shook her head, "I don't know why he tried to poison me, if it was him. What could I have done about any of this? I don't even know if I could have gotten Eleanor to safety, or if she would have gone. I hate being caught up in all your plots and schemes. All I want now is to find a place that is quiet and safe, away from the hell that is Nassau."

She looked from one to another, reading their faces. Her brother would forget about Richard Guthrie, but he would not forgive the stealing of the gold. And for friendship's sake, he surely would not abandon Eleanor to her fate, but for now, what could he do? The English had a four day's start on him, and the ship was in no shape to go back out. And there was the matter of the gold.

She stood up, and became very dizzy and had to sit down. "I'm not well enough yet for this," she muttered, not really caring who heard. "I'm not well enough for this, I want my bed, and some hot tea." She lapsed into incoherence and put her head down on the table.

"Charles, take the jolly boat and get her to shore and her rooms. In the meantime, what she told us does not go beyond this room. We have a big decision to make: do we go after Eleanor or do we go after the gold? I'm going to kill Jack Rackham."

"No, I am," countered Charles, "But we have to decide what to do about Eleanor. And when I find out who poisoned Cathy, I'm going to run them through." He stroked Cathy's hair, "Poor girl, you suffered for us all, it's hardly fair."

It was no easy task for her to get into the jolly boat, but they managed. She lay, huddled and miserable, in the prow of the boat, praying that he could get the boat to shore as quickly as possible. She shouldn't have bothered, she was not yet strong enough to do what she did, but they had to be warned.

"Charles, what happened to Miranda Barlowe? I didn't think to ask and Flint didn't volunteer to tell me. I never liked the woman, but I hope nothing bad happened to her, or Abigail Ashe."

"Mrs. Barlowe is dead," he answered curtly, "But Abigail Ashe is fine and back in Charles Town. If you're interested in knowing, Thomas Ashe is probably dead, too."

"Good. I never wanted to see him again, and Lord knows I had no desire to go to Charles Town." She raised herself up slightly, "Oh good, we're almost there. All I want now is my bed and some bread and broth. I'm sorry Charles. I did not foresee this."

"You couldn't help it. Oh, there's your old Obeah woman, I'll have her help you. And Cathy," he looked at her, his eyes serious, "Be careful. With all you've told us, I expect that there are British agents about."

"Charles, they won't be looking for me. I'm not involved in anything that could be considered treason. I'm worried about you and my brother. There aren't so many ships in port, which makes me wonder if the consortium has ceased to be. If they come in here and take control, you'll have to find somewhere else to do business. I don't want to see the British take control of Nassau, but if what I've seen is any indication, that will be happening very soon. And, oh yes, I accept your apology."

"For what?" he beached the boat and picked her up in his arms.

"For killing Richard Guthrie when you know you shouldn't have."

"Oh that, cost of doing business."

"I hate you sometimes," she said, and cuddled up to him. She saw Ruby Marie and waved, and the old woman began to follow them.

"And the rest of the time you love me," he responded, and began to climb the stairs that led to her rooms.

He got her settled in, then looked at her and grinned. "I know what I'd be doing right now if you weren't sick, but never mind, it can wait for another time."

"Charles, what are you and my brother going to do? You've got to find a way to rescue Eleanor, or she'll face the noose. And you've got to try to retrieve the gold before Rackham moves it. You don't have a ship, and the two of you can't be two places at once. And how do you know who you can trust? Hornigold has turned traitor, along with the rest. I don't want to see Eleanor hang, I don't want my brother to lose the gold.'

He leaned over and kissed her. "Hush now, don't think about it. Get better, we need your mind and the way you can control your brother."

"Don't forget I can control you, too. Go, find a way to work a miracle. Tell my brother to come see me tomorrow, and have an eye out for English spies." She waved him off, and pulled the sheet over her head.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, as he closed the door quietly behind him.

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