Andie would never let you do this... Isabelle said.

"What would you know of patience, you're still a child!" Zarias scoffed.

Andie would be the one doing it, now do what I say! Bane snapped.

Isabelle couldn't argue with that.

But will you be able to get back?

I'll be fine. Now when I say, grab Andie and get out.

"That's always the thing with villains." Bane commented to Zarias. 'They always take their victory for granted."

And before Zarias could respond...

"NOW!" Bane shouted.

Isabelle and Jessica caught hold of Andie and pulled away as Bane lunged for Zarias, who, not expecting a frontal attack, only just blocked it.

"GO!" Bane yelled.

He and Zarias were pushing against each other. Bane wouldn't be able to hold him off for long. Jess, who was stronger, took Andie.

"Come on," she said, and led the girls away.

Bane and Zarias were very different, but they had one thing in common. They had been trained for years to be the fighters they were today. Zarias had trained longer than Bane, but Bane was still capable of holding his own. They sparred wordlessly for several long minutes, even if Bane was at a slight disadvantage. He was not going to let Zarias beat him again. And it was strange to see that there seemed to be a tacit agreement not to use their powers. After what felt like a long moment, they broke apart, keeping their guards up, but not attacking, simply circling one another.

"Why are you doing all this for one girl?" Zarias asked.

"Because of something you would never understand," Bane retorted. "I love her. I would do anything to keep her safe. And you can believe me when I tell you I will never forgive you for what you did to her."

He took a swipe at Zarias, who blocked and tried to retaliate, but failed. For the first time in his life, Zarias was actually shocked.

"You believe I did that to her?" he demanded.

"Didn't you?"

"My father-" Zarias began.

"You're as guilty as he is because you let him do it!" Bane snapped. "Andie didn't deserve to be treated like that!"

More blows were exchanged. Eventually, Bane was knocked to the floor, his anger having caused him to be less precise in his attacks. Panting, he got to his feet as Zarias towered over him, cold fury rolling off of him.

"You will not disrespect my father or myself."

Bane let out a hollow laugh.

"Like you didn't disrespect Andie?" he snarled. "She was your prisoner, what need was there to torture her?"

He didn't know what had been done to Andie exactly, but her unconscious reaction and physical state left little room for doubt.

"It was merely an incentive." Zarias retorted, though Bane thought his eyes weren't as sure as his voice.

Bane glared at him in disgust.

Bane! We found a portal in the throne room, on the floor above you in a huge room with a dragon statue outside, first stairs outside the hall! Came Isabelle's voice in his mind.

"You must realize you cannot defeat me alone?" Zarias went on.

Bane couldn't help but laugh harshly at that.

"Another proof of how much you underestimate us humans," he spat. "This was never about winning. It was about buying some time. Light of the Guardian!"

A blinding light filled them room, and Bane heard Zarias scream as he covered his eyes, giving him the chance to head up the stairs Isabelle had indicated. He had barely reached the top when a furious voice boomed:


Bane glance to the right. Zorak and a group of demons were hurrying towards him. Bane took off in the other direction, scanning the hallway for dragon statues. Soon, he saw one and shot towards it, pelting through the door. Emily, Isabelle and Jessica, supporting Andie, were watching him with worried eyes.

"Hurry!" Isabelle called. "We figured out how to activate it but it'll go any minute!"

Bane heard the door crash open again as Zorak, Zarias and their lackeys poured into the room in one furious wave.

"GET THEM!" Zorak yelled, his face purple with rage. "DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!"

Bane pushed forwards, caught Isabelle's outstretched hand... and disappeared as Zorak's shriek echoed through the air.


Oh, that doesn't sound too good, does it?

Will the gang escape Zorak's wrath? Let's find out!

Four Elements Book 2 - Fight and FeelWhere stories live. Discover now