Chapter Four

Beginne am Anfang


I sighed and smacked myself with the palm of my hand, shaking my head. I hurriedly put on a baggy sweatshirt on top of my undershirt and old black sweatpants on top of my shorts.


I checked my reflection in the mirror before heading back to the kitchen. I smiled sheepishly as Faun glared at me, and quickly took a seat at the four seated table. Faun, who sat next to me, rolled her eyes at me and began to speak.


"Kristen, since you were being so immature earlier and didn't let me properly introduce you, this is Oliver," she gestured, pointing at the man across from her, "and his trainee, Raven." She pointed at the guy a across from me and I took this opportunity to examine him better.


Slightly tan skin matched well with his beach blonde hair. His brown eyes were dotted with specks of gold and contrasted greatly with his hair. Full pink lips pulled up into a smirk and eyebrows raised as he realised I was checking him out, but I didn't care.


A plain, grey teeshirt accentuated his upper body nicely, clinging to his abs. His jeans clad legs rubbed against mine and snapped me out of my daydreaming. He tilted his head towards Faun who was going on about how I never listen to her.


"Are you even listening?!" She shouted, angry.


"Of course I am, Faun. I always listen to you!" I said with mock enthusiasm, my voice laced with sarcasm.


She stared up at the ceiling and counted to ten before bringing her deep blue eyes towards me.


"Go to your room." Her voice was calm, which was how I knew I made the wrong move.


Unable to resist myself, I murmured to myself as I walked away.


"Geez, someone's PMSing."


I could nearly feel Faun's anger as I made the short trek to my room. I knew I would pay for what I said when Oliver and Raven left, but my sassiness tends to escape when I'm tired and not thinking.


Reaching my room, I glanced at the clock and widened my eyes as I saw it was already seven at night.


Deciding that it was late enough, I crawled into bed and cuddled with my blankets before falling to a hopefully uninterrupted sleep for the fifth time today.




Author's Note:


So. Shortish upload, I know. 


I was having such mindfarts while writing this, thus why she slept so much. 


I don't even know what my plans for the next chapter are, but I have an idea or two. 


Anyway, yeah. 



Questions and (fake) Answers:



Why does Kristen sleep so much?

This story is based off of Sleeping freaking Beauty.



Why is Raven such a pervert?

Genetics. You should meet his dad.



Why does this chapter suck so bad?

Because the author is lazy and just wanted to upload.









P.S. 20 votes and 7 comments before I upload again.



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