Telling Tom

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Tucker stands there looking me in the eyes. "Why did you like erase it from my mind," I ask, not believing that he would do such a thing. "Ermm.. I didn't do it... Tom did, then he did it to himself," he says, afraid to tell me. "So does he still love me," Im hurt, hurt that they would do something like that. He looks at his watch, "Erm.. you could ask him, he is swinging by to drop off some armor that I paid him for." Just then a knock at the door announces Tom is here. I draw a sharp breath and try to fight my out from the duct-tape chair restraning me. I catch a look at myself in Sonja's mirror, my hair is hopeless and I'm covered in grass, dirt, and my clothes have stains of what look like fire how does fire stain? I think, not the time genius. Tucker leaves my side and walks over to the door, "Ello? Is anyone there," man, I think, Tom's thick british accent is so hot, then Tucker comes back, Tom beside him. Tom drops a sack, metal claning as it falls to the ground. "You alright Sparkley Pants," he asks coming to my side. Tucker quietly exits the room, giving us space to talk, "Yea I'm okay, can you get me out of this, I have something to tell you," I say holding back tears. "Sure," he says winking at me, does he remember?, I think. He takes the duct-tape of my wrist on my left arm, his hands carefully working not to hurt me, "This might hurt," before I have time to respond, he yanks the duct-tape off my wrist. I clench my teeth and look at the pink skin, "Sorry, I told you though," he says, almost laughing. He does it to the rest of the homemade restraints on my ankles and other wrist. I look at Tom's purple hair, he stands out, thats a reason why I love him. I get up and lead Tom outside, "What do you have to tell me," he asks lightly. The truth is killing me, like its on my chest. "Tom, do you remember ever loving me," I ask looking into his dark brown eyes, "Yes," he whispers "and I still do." "What would you say if I told you I love you?" Im scared he will deny ever knowing me and avoid me. He takes a deep breath, "I would say 'Lets leave and drive far, far away', but that is if you loved me," he looks at me now his hair shining in the fading light. "Lets do it then, we'll drive into the sunset." I say smiling ear to ear.

Captain Sparklez Turns Dianite (part three)Where stories live. Discover now