Chapter 2

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"I'm moving.." I say to Rita. "What?!" She says. I explained to her exactly why I had to move. She seemed sad afterwards. Rita's POV-- I'm really sad that Alyssa is moving. I mean, we've been best friends since like we were born! Now I have to make new friends so does Alyssa.. "I'll miss you." I say to Alyssa. "I'll miss you too." She says hugging me. "Can you help me pack up?" She asks me. I nod to her and help her pack up. Her house was just getting emptier and emptier. I sigh.

Alyssa's POV-- ~a week later~ Today is the day I move to Nevada. Yesterday was Friday and I said bye to all the people and gathered all my stuff to pack. I was at the airport with my mom and Sophia. The boxes with our stuff got sent to Nevada already. And now were left with some extra clothes and important stuff we'll need until than. Rita met me at the airport to say our official good byes. This is sad. I saw Rita from a distance and her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm going to miss you!" She said crying on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I have to move! I wish I could take you with me! Ill miss you too." I say to her. "Bye Mrs.Garcia and Sophia!" Rita says giving them hugs. "Flight 22 boarding to Nevada. I repeat flight 22 boarding to Nevada." The airport attendant said. "Bye." I say to Rita again. I tear up. "Before you leave.. I want you to have this." Rita said taking off her necklace and giving it to me. "Thanks." I say and give her another hug. I wave to her as mom,Sophia and I get into the line to board the plane. We got onto the plane and we didn't sit all together. I had to split from Sophia and Mom. I had to sit next to some boy. Madison's POV-- I was sitting in the plane alone hoping I wouldn't be sitting the whole ride alone. Until some pretty girl sat next to me. She seemed sad.. So I started to make conversation. Alyssa's POV-- "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine." I say. "You don't look okay.." He said. "What happened?" He asked. "I had to move away from my best friend.." I say. "Oh.. Sad to hear.. I'm Madison." He says introducing himself. "Alyssa." I say. The plane took off and Madison and I talked. "So what part of Nevada are you moving to?" He asked me. "Las Vegas. They have a new neighborhood there and were moving there." I say and smile. "Cool. I live in Las Vegas too!" he says. "Cool!" I say. I check my phone to see what time it was. 12:40 PM we landed in Nevada at 1:00 PM. Twenty minutes passed fast and than everyone got off the plane. I walked off the plane with Madison. "Oh yeah, is this your first time in Nevada? Or have you ever visited here?" Madison asked me. "First time here" I say. I looked at my mom and my mom and Sophia, my mom was talking to the airport ladies. "Since we live in the same city..I can maybe show you around some time" Madison offered. "Oh yeah!" I say and smile at him. "What's your number?" I ask, pulling out my phone. Madison gave me his number. "My ride is here. Ill text you!" Madison says and hugs me. I just got here and I already made a friend. "Honey. Our ride is here!" My mom said now outside. I put my backpack on and pulled my hand carry. Our ride got to the airport. I was listening to music and sight seeing out side. "Wow it's really nice here!" My mom said. "Yeah!" I said. We got to Las Vegas. And it looked really nice. We pulled into our driveway in our new house. I got out of the car and carried Sophia and took a step back and looked at the house. "Woah!" I say. "This house is huge!" I say. "Oh yeah that's another thing. We got a big house!" My mom told me. I think I'm going to like it here. I looked at the other houses. Mikey's POV-- I was bored of being on my phone 24/7 so I looked outside and saw a girl. They looked like they were moving in. "Jason!" I call him. "Yeah?" He asks walking into my room. "I think we should help my new neighbors." I say pointing out the window. Jason looks out the window. "Okay." He says. We walk downstairs and outside. "Do you guys need help with your boxes?" I ask the girl. "Oh. Yeah! Thanks!" She says. Alyssa's POV-- That boy was cute. I turned a little light pink. They helped us bring our boxes in. I looked around the house with Sophia. And oh my gosh. I love this house! "Mom! Which room is mine?" I ask yelling. "The room upstairs on the right!" She says. I found the room on the right. My mouth opened in amazement. My room was so awesome! There was a fireplace. Flat screen TV. My own bathroom. And my own balcony. Woah. My life is now perfect! I looked at all the other rooms and there were so awesome! But wait. How Is there furniture already here? I went downstairs and asked my mom why there was furniture already. "Oh. I told the people to put the furniture here already! The boxes are just our clothes and such." She said and smiled. The boys were still helping us with the boxes. "Hey!" I say. "Hi!" They both say. "I'm Alyssa." I introduce my self. "I'm Mikey." Mikey said. "And I'm Jason." Jason said. "Nice to meet you!" I say and go into the kitchen where my mom was. "Do you need help?" I ask. "No I'm fine! Oh wait yeah! Can you go to the store and get some food?" She asks. "Sure! Do you want me to bring Sophia?" I ask still holding her. "No. She'll stay here. " my mom says. I nod. "Do you guys know where the store is?" I ask Mikey and Jason. "Yeah! Do you want us to take you?" Mikey asks. "Sure." I say and smile. Mikey smiled back.

Were Meant To Be.. Mikey Fusco and Nick Mara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now