Chapter 2 - Meeting with the Spawn of Satan

Start from the beginning

She smiled to the woman and looked around. Her surroundings had changed a lot. Where there was green before, everything was now held in a dreary and cold grey. White stripes was painted on the ground with the darkest grey and she noticed that the spawns were moving in opposite directions on each side of the stripes. That was convenient for them because otherwise they would have collided, and she didn't think that would be a pretty sight.

"Are you lost, child?" the woman asked.

Unique looked at her; the wrinkles on the face were a new thing. Nobody in Haims had skin hanging down like that. Would she come to look like that too? The possibility wasn't pleasant to think of, it wasn't exactly pretty. She nodded in response to the woman. "Yes. I think I may have forgotten how to get home."

It wasn't a direct lie; she did appear to be lost down here. However, she didn't need to reveal that she didn't actually belong on this plane.

"Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that." The woman fiddled with a small bag. "Tell you what; I can have my son drive you to the police station. They might be able to help you get home."

Unique didn't know who the police were either, but it was better than anything she had to go on.

"If you follow me, I'll call him and ask for help," she said.

It was a risk, but Unique didn't feel any adverse vibrations from her. She contemplated taking a sneak peek into the woman's past, but something held her back. Her powers had caused her to be in this place - there was no reason why she would try to worsen her position by using her powers again.

The woman pointed ahead, and they began walking. The further they walked the smaller the black road became. The amount of people increased in numbers, and Unique found her surrounded by humans. It was hard to walk in between them, and every time a person bumped into her, a vision from their past resurfaced in her mind.

"It's right over here," the lady said.

Unique didn't respond, she was too busy trying to seal off her mind to the many memories. It wouldn't help if she were blinded by the visions.

A younger male bumped into her, and her head was filled with vivid pictures of his earlier dirty deed with the woman who was walking on the other side of him. Disgusting. It wasn't until the elder woman pulled her hand and dragged her out of the way that she could think and breathe again.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Her eyes scanned Unique's body. "Do you have a sort of social phobia?"

Unique just nodded. She wasn't sure what social phobia was, but if it meant being swamped by people who invaded her head - then yes, she had that.

The woman led her up a small set of stairs and unlocked a door.

"Annelka Smith," Unique read the small sign out loud.

The woman smiled at her. "That's my name, dear." She gestured for Unique, to step inside the small one-store house, and Unique looked around with curiosity. The narrow hallway led into a larger room.

"Just wait here, and I'll call Daniel."

Unique gave a nod and looked around. The flowery patterns were overwhelming. Furniture and the sorrounding walls all had different patterns of flowers in various faded colors. The sun shone in through the window, and Unique could see small specks of dust in the air. The existence of dust on Haims was sparesome and she reached out a hand, causing the dust bunnies to whirl. Fascinating.

"Alright. I've talked to my son, he'll pick you up in a moment," the woman said as she came in the room. In her hands, there was a bundle of clothes, and she handed them to Unique. "You can put on these, and then I'll wash your beautiful dress for you while we wait."

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