chapter 2

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Then I suddenly woke up, but I was in a night gown and I had a tube going into my arm and this annoying machine beeping OH just great, I'm in a hospital!!! I looked to my right and I saw Amelia looking at me with tears running sown her face, face as she realised that I was awake she wipped the tears of her face and said '' Hey hun you ok? Whilst saying that she stroked my fourhead gently I said that I felt like shit, she told me not to worry.

Then I felt distressed because it smelt weird in here and that I was crowded with all other people so I decided to get up but Amelia told me not to butI needed to get outa here, so I was pulling the tube outa my arm even though it fucking hurt!!! But then a nurse came over and told me to stop but i didn't give a shit I finally pulled the dam thing out and this clear sticky liquid was going everywhere so I got up then the nurse called for back up. As I got up I felt kinda woozy but I didn't wanna be in this dam place for much longer so Amelia tryed to convince me to go back to the bed but I refused. As soon as I came out of the hospital I felt the lovley breeze blowing each strand of my hazel Brown hair flowing in the cold wind. I needed some fresh air!! Then I started to walk a little more then all of a sudden I felt really weird and more woozy then I collapsed and my sight went blurry and I saw Amelia shouting for help and saw a few nurses and doctors grab me and take me back inside, WHEN AM I EVER GONNA GET OUTA THIS PLACE?????!!

Then I woke up at my house but had a tube in my noes, well I know what's happening here but at least i'm at home, in my own room with no other weirdo's staring at me and telling me to do this telling me to do that. I saw Amelia reading one of my Twilight books, I felt okay but not great, I finally pulled myself up from the pillow but Amelia caught me, she saw me up and put the Twilight book on my desk table and came over to me. She winked at me and said,

Amelia: Hi hun, You okay??? 

Me: Hi, yeah i'm fine, i feel much better i wanna go shopping

Amelia: Okay let's go shopping down Camden to get some Black Veil Brides t-shirts.

Me: Cool let's go!!

Soi got up had some breakfast had a shower got ready, got some money out of the emergency tin and headed on a 96 bus to Camden Town, When we got there we directly saw the Bvb t-shirts, I bought 6, 3 with all the group band together but in different designs, the other 3 was pictures of Andy Sixx, in different designs, I bought all there albums and a phone case with them on it, I also bought a mug with them on it but Amelia bought 2 tops, 1 of them had all of the band on and the second had Ashley Purdy on it, It was awsome, after that we was walking along Camden road and guess who we saw!! WE SAW BLACK VEIL BRIDES! We started to walk a bit faster to get close to them, we quickly went into a long hallow corner and put our Bvb t-shirts on, then we looked at the band and they  looked up and noticed that we was their No.1 fans.

Bvb came over to us and said hi and asked if we wanted to be in a band, we was gobsmaked it's like God made our dream come true, so we said yes in an exited way and Ashley started to flirt with Amelia, so he heild his arm out for Amelia and she hocked her arm around his, then she looked back at me and smiled happly, then Andy did the same for me, but whilst we was walking arm in arm, he asked if I wanted to go out with him, I fainted for a minuete or two, but Andy heild me round the waist to catch me, then i woke up, it was so romantic so I said that I would totally go out with him, then we went back to my place and asked if they all wanted to stay at my house, they said yes, I said that Andy has to sleep with me, that was a smart move because he said yes, I then sat down with Andy next to me and he used the arm technique were he yawns and puts his arm around me, that was sweet then he asked me

Andy S: My beautiful Lexi, why do you self harm?

Me: I self harm because recently my mum died, and because i'm an emo it's normal and i love it, and because people at school are calling me a fag,weirdo,emo

Andy S: Don't worry, you won't have to go to school again, we will teach you, anyway if anyone starts on you watch.

Me: Aww Andy that's so sweet, Andy I want to tell you something.

Andy S:  Sure, go ahead!!!

Me: I love you, always have

Andy S: Aww that's sweet, I kinda love you too.

Me: ( I blushed, then I got up and as I did Andy slapped my ass, so I gave him a kiss and he kissed me back, OMG!! I JUST KISSED MY BIGGEST CRUSH IN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND HE SAID HE LOVES ME!, AS I WAS KISSING AMELIA CAME IN WITH ASHLEY.

Andy S and Me:( Kissing)

Amelia: Aww that's sweet, you to should get married.

Ashley, Aww Andy, anyway Amelia do you want to go out maybe yeah?

Amelia: Yes!!!!!! 

Ashley, Okay that's a date then, right now i'm going to go on my phone and look at pictures of titts.

Amelia: You are so dirty minded, but yeah so am i so i can't blame you.

Ashley: Finally!! Someone I know who is beautiful and cute is dirty minded.

Amelia( I blushed)

Andy S and Me: ( We stopped kissing, I was out of breathomg!!  You know what this is my dream just getting started.

My Emo Love Story( A Black Veil Brides Fan, Romance Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now