The Craze

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7 o'clock morning...

I was getting ready in the bathroom when I hear a silent, long buzz. Its coming from my room.... I check to see my phone with thousands of notifications from Instagram.

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"What the heck?" There were continuous tags of a new ship called "Studsey." Oh yeah, that account Stuart follows. Pictures and pictures and pictures are being shown of us, with descriptions like, "AHH!! She's wearing his hat" are showing up. I decide to text Stuart.

"Hey Stuart"

"Hey, what's up?"

"I got so many tags"

"Me too, wanna meet up later?"

"Yeah, where?"

"Maybe, Yougurtland, at four o'clock."

"Kay, bye!"

4 o'clock, Yougurtland.....

"Lindsey! I'm over here!" I turn around to see Stuart waving his hands while calling my name. I ssit down across from him with my yogurt. "So." I say. He only replies with a shrug, so I just continue to talk. "What's with all the tags? That account is really into this." Stuart laughs. "Well, they almost gave up. Honestly though, I followed them, because they seemed so dedicated for it to happen. And when I looked around at all these pictures of us....well, I think I was apart of Studsey too." I sit there. He likes me? And I don't mean, he just likes me. He actually likes me. This is awkward, and I blush. "What is Studsey exactly? I mean your being crazy right now!" He looks at me. "It's our ship name. One of the people who supported asked me, and I came up with it. When they saw our videothey went crazy too! It's become a craze!!" I laugh. He laughs. We are finally just two normal people laughing. Its way better than our date. "Stuart," I say. "This is way better of a date. Want to say this was our date? That ice skating never happened and this was the first?" He laughs. "I guess. But you're just wearing what looks like middle school PE uniforms." I chuckle a bit. Then again, we are back to two normal people laughing. "Hm, I guess all those tags are true. I mean, we are a couple now right? We are Studsey?" I think a bit... We are Studsey. Just like #WeAreGavi. Yeah, we are Studsey. I smile. "Yep, we sure are!"

Later that day.....

"Lindsey! Lindsey!!!" Of course. Brooke again, with a box of cookies. "Yeah, what's up?" She looks at me. "You two kissed didn't you!?" I look at her. "Hah, you wish!" She offers me a cookie, and I take it. Its a cookie, I mean, it's a no-brainer! "So seriously, did it go well?" I smile. "Let's just say for a date, it went well." Brooke smiles, and then walks away with her box of cookies.

Buzz. Buzz Buzz.

I pick up my phone.

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A new comment? Click....

{Stuart Edge}

Hah, that's cool. Look Lindsey, they edited a Studsey thing.

I look at the picture, to see a picture edited of us kissing, originally him kissing some other girl in one of his kissing prank videos I was in before (which I did not do), except my face put in. I type something.

You never know!

That'll get the crowd excited. And sure enough, maybe 10 or 20 minutes later, there are screenshots of what we commented. "Omgosh she said maybe!!!" Or "#lovegoals." It's starting to become a craze, just like Stuart said. My Instagram account is getting loads of tags, and whenever we take a selfie together and upload it, we are getting load of Studsey comments. Soon I am refreshing my feed, just watching the comments, likes, and tags grow. After the 35th or so refresh, I see Stuart upload something.


[Photo of Studsey edit]


Description: Wow, you guys are exploding about our relationship. Well, please stop. I understand you love the ship and everything, but you need to know that our phones are losing storage. Please understand. Thanks!

A week later....

Somebody shine a light-

"Hello?" I say. "It's Stuart. Want to meet up today? Talk about what I uploaded?" Yes, exactly what I need. "That would be wonderful! Let's me up at Starbucks and get some hot chocolate!" I can hear a small chuckle. "Okay!"


Sip. Sip.

"So, you think what I uploaded was good?" Stuart asked. "Of course," I say. "I haven't been getting too much notifications ever since that post." Stuart smiled. "Well, did you think I wasn't getting annoyed out of of it?" I laugh, because I never really thought about that. We have a moment of silence to just sip our hot chocolate, before he leans in. I feel it. His body heat coming closer in. I look up. Is this real? Did he want this? I quickly look around to make sure that there are no cameras, becuase he could possibly be faking this.But there isn't so I just make the most of it, and we kiss. It was a good one too, since we were both prepared. But it was better than I expected, becuase he has kissed continuously for videos. He smiles, and like every time he kisses a girl, even in videos, he makes a little laugh. "I think I better be heading out." He says. "Okay," I see you later!"


What did you think? I tried to make the Instagram look, I thought I kinda did good.

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