A Memory Stays in the Heart Forever

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*I wrote a short story in this same exact theme, let me know if you want it to be posted*

I remember that day

Sitting in the doctors office,

When they told us the news.

But still she came out with a smile and said,

“I’ll be alright mama.”

Over the next year she got worse

I cried myself to sleep every night

Her hair had fallen out,

Her beautiful brown hair.

Still she told me,

“I’ll be alright mama.”

Every time i walked through those hospital doors

Those heavy metal doors,

I was worried about what I’d see.

Her laying there helpless

no control over anything.

Still she said to me,

“I’ll be alright mama.”

One morning around 3 am

the phone rang.

I got out of bed

and picked up the receiver

the words coming from the doctor on the other end

plunged through my soul like a dagger.

I raced to the hospital

and careened through the mess of doctors

up to the ICU

my little girl was laying there

hooked up to a million tubes

She looked up at me, forced a smile and said,

“You’ll be alright mama.”

With that she closed her eyes

as if she was going to take a nap

but I knew she wouldn’t wake.

Through my tears i said,

“I’ll be alright, I’ll be alright.”

A Memory Stays in the Heart ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now