Fiery Passion (Two)

Start from the beginning

Rayne squeezed my hand, and gave me a reassuring look. I smiled at him, and looked forward. The girl led Rayne and I to two chairs, placed next to eachother. The girl took us to a totally secluded part of the shop. Weird... And there were two other girls waiting for us. They seemed to be twins, since both have shiny straight black hair, up to their waists, The same pale-ish skin color, same Piercing blue eyes, same height, and heck even the exact same clothing.

It was both creepy, and awesome. The girls both smiled, and pointed at the chairs. Rayne and I both took a seat in the chairs. And our hands were still held.

Both girls walked away for a second, and came back each holding a box. A very small box. I took it that they were the needles, and I was right. One of them went to me, and the other to Rayne. The one next to me opened the box and took out a needle, and a sterilizer. She sterilized the needle, and took a small alcohol wipe, and wiped under my bottom lip, and I tightened my hold on Rayne's hand.

"This is going to hurt, but only for a few seconds." The girl said softly to me.

I nodded, lightly. She gave me a small smile, and took my bottom lip gently, took a random pen, and made small dots where she was going to put the needle.

I took a glance at Rayne, and noticed that the girl who was at his side was doing exactly what her sister was doing.. At the exact same time. It was creepy, yet awesome. Rayne glanced at me, and gave me a small smile. He was very calm looking, and he didn't look like that when we came, and sat down. Weird.

I then faced foward again, and I noticed the girl next to me mumbling something, That I couldn't quite catch. But next thing I knew I was really calm, and relaxed. My breathing slowed, and so did my heart rate. But I was still wide awake. I just felt really lazy at this point.

The girl positioned the needle, and stuck it through the right side. And I felt an awful pain, for a couple seconds, and squeezed Rayne's hand during it. I felt a small amount of blood dripping from my lip, but the girl swiftly wiped it away, The as quickly as she took away the blood, she put the other needle through the left side, and felt the same pain, but it didn't bother me as much.

And when she did that, she took away the blood that came out, and then she got some simple silver lip rings, and put them in. "You'll leave these on for two weeks. After that you can take them out and change them, or whatever." She said

I nodded, and looked over at Rayne. And he smiled at me.

I smiled back, and I finally let go of his hand, and tried to get up, but I couldn't. I noticed Rayne was having a hard time getting up, too. And both of the girls were smiling brightly.

"Why the hell are you smiling? Help us get up!" I said, my eyes slowly turning red.

The two girls walked in front of me, "I'm afraid we can't do that" They said in unison.

"Why!?" Both Rayne and I yelled out

"Because I told them not to" Someone else interjected.

I looked around wildly, for the voice. The out of nowhere a figure materialized in front of Rayne and I.


And I just lost it.

My eyes instantly turned fire red, My hair burst into flames, and so did my arms and legs. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!? DAMNIT LET ME GO, SO I CAN FUCKING KILL YOU!" I screamed, thrashing wildly in my seat, trying to get up, but of course failing.

I noticed Rayne was trying to get out of his seat too, and his eyes were blood red. But he wasn't in flames like I was.

"I'm not going to let you go. I'm going to finish what I started." Danny said calmly

Fiery Passion (Sequel to Immortal Love...Or Hate)Where stories live. Discover now