What could this be?

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~Arin's PoV~

this morning seemed to be quieter then yesterday. Mom and Dad were already gone by 6am and Nate spent the night at his friend's house. I laid on my bed thinking about the day to come and what I need to do to get ready for school, y'know the normal backpack, get dressed and breakfast routine. I get up and stretch looking around my room and seeing my grey and black backpack laying on the floor, already packed from last night. I decide to leave early this morning and walk to school instead of taking the bus because it was always crowded and the only reason I take it is because Barry and Ross insist I do. I take a piece of toast and smother it with jelly then run out the door, petting one of the horses on the way out.

This morning was peaceful and calm, a slight breeze in the late august air and the sun still warming the ground. Walking in the morning always makes me happy, especially this early because no one is awake except the kids dreading to go to school. On my way I kick some rocks and watching the clouds slowly float by when suddenly I smack my head against something hard. I look up to see I ran into Danny who blocked me from running into a light pole. I back away and looked down at my feet which are covered in morning dew, trying to avoid eye contact as my face fills with bright red. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you I just was enjoying the c-clouds" I say with a slight stutter at the end, making my face even redder. Dan just laughs a little and puts his arm around my shoulders "maybe you should be careful when walking, might accidently get hit by a car or something, it's a good thing I was there or you would have ran and hit that beautiful head of yours on that pole" he pats the pole with one hand and ruffles my hair with the other. All I could do was stand there, hoping he didn't hear the clearly loud heart beat pounding in my chest from all the contact. It was a good few seconds before Danny waved his hand in front of my face to bring me back to reality "so, are you walking to school? Because I'm going the same way, if you don't mind me walking with you again". I nod and we continue to walk as I curse inside my head how much of an idiot I must look to Dan for not paying attention.

We finally get to school and Dan went his own way to find his friends I assumed, Barry and Ross at it again with the video games, this time they were trading Pokémon and looking at more popular pretty girls. As I walk through the halls trying not to grab attention to myself I see my classroom and get to my seat and start doodling little cartoons and people. Everyone rushed into the room again most being late or making excuses and then Danny walking in dead last giving a smile to the teacher and waving, then sat next to me. "Hey bud, what's up?" he said to me as I continued to draw, then looked over my shoulder and I grabbed all my papers to hide them "U-uh nothing, just drawing, nothing special" I say in a panic then looking up at Dan, "alright, alright, just wanted to take a peek, don't worry" he smiled and looked back up to the front of the room. I put my head down and continue to look at Dan, hoping he doesn't notice, watching his hair slightly bounce as he moves his head, and his smile that brightens up the room and how nice he is to everyone makes me crush on him even more. I look away and continue to doodle towards the window, completely missing the lesson but it's hard to focus when everything that's on my mind is Dan and how great he is.

At the end of class the teacher was handing out homework and I grabbed my stuff and started to walk out the door, when I heard Dan talking to his friends that were also in the room. "So Danny, got anyone in mind for the school dance this year?" one guy said to him "well, I don't know, I might have someone in mind but it's a secret" he said back with another one of his signature smiles. I slowly slipped out of the classroom and went back to the lockers to see if Barry and Ross were waiting for me. We all had the same class next before lunch time so we all headed that way, me looking down watching the back of Barry's shoes so I don't run into anything but my mind questioning 'who does he have in mind?'.

School of Egobangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें