[ xlv :: cheers ]

Start from the beginning

Anais is relaxing, slowly, because if Zayn isn't coming then she can at least try to let loose and forget about all of the stupid shit and the mistakes she's made and just not worry about anything for the next few hours that she's in this small club in Brooklyn.

Zayn's spotted Anais the moment she'd walked into the club.

He sees her trail behind Magdalena and Soo and Zayn is staring at her. He's watching the way she shakes off her heavy coat at coat check to reveal a small black dress he almost doesn't appreciate her wearing tonight because it's got all eyes on her.

He watches her eyes scan the room, head on a swivel as if she's looking for someone. He wonders who she's looking for. He wonders if she's looking for Lucky.

Zayn wonders if Anais has thought about him at all today.

"C'mon, c'mon," Magdalena exclaims, tugging Anais and Cara through the crowds. Jesse and Zach and the boys have played through four songs and an encore because they were so good and the crowd ate them up and now, had finally gone backstage to clean up and end their set. "Let's go congratulate them."

Cara fans herself. "Can I get air?"

"Can I get water?" Adds Anais.

"You guys suck," Magdalena replies, since both Soo and Chanel had watched from the table the rest of their friends were populating on the balcony. "You can get both of those things once we congratulate the boys."

Cara laughs. "I'm not dating a band member, remember?"

And Anais nods. "Neither am I," and she reaches out in that moment and grabs the girl walking towards them. "Take Jourdan," she exclaims.

"Whaaa-?" Jourdan's brow furrows immediately as Anais drags her through the crowds.

The deejay is setting up, again.

"What the hell's going on?"

Magdalena rolls her eyes. "These two won't come with me backstage."

Jourdan folds her arms. "Can we even go backstage, Magda?"

"Of course we can," she snorts, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Only 'cause Mags' like, First Lady to the band," Cara grins, to which Magdalena rolls her eyes. "She can do a whole bunch of shit we can't."

"Look," Magdalena says, "I just wanna congratulate my boyf-" She shakes her head, hoping her friends didn't really catch that because it's so loud in here, dammit. "Jesse," she clarifies. "I just wanna congratulate Jesse."

Jourdan shrugs. "Alright, I'll come."

Magdalena claps her hands together. "Yay! Real friends!"

Anais and Cara both groan, rolling their eyes.

"Whatever," Cara retorts. "I'm getting air."

"I'll be at the bar," Anais sings, and before she leaves, she grabs for her friends' wrists and brings them close. "We can talk about Jesse being you boyfriend another time, right?"

Jourdan's eyes widen and Cara's narrow.

"Really?" She exclaims. "Really, Mags? When the fuck were you gonna tell us that?"

And Magdalena is glaring at Anais as she laughs, excusing herself from her friends because she'd been dancing nonstop for nearly the past hour and she's not only thirsty, but she could really use a seat.

So, she makes her way through the crowds towards the bar.

Zayn spots Magdalena and Jourdan making their way backstage and wonders where the hell Anais is since she'd been with Mags all night and now, she wasn't.

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