Chapter 14: The Chamber is open

Start from the beginning

"Probably. Snakes sometime get into the school since the great hall does create a mess and attracts rats and mice. Anyways its getting late want to head back to the dorms now?"  

You nod your head thinking that you just heard a snake that happened to be hungry in the castle and was hunting. You and Draco then left the great hall towards the dorms. 

-time skip- 

It has been a few days since you heard that weird voice so you assumed that it was just a snake who happened to be near you and Draco at the time. It was the end of the day so you and Draco were with the rest of slytherin house walking back from the great hall to the dorms when you heard the voice again. 

" ... rip ... tear ... kill ... "  

You ignored the voice this time since it was probably the same snake looking for another meal. You then heard the voice scream

"I smell blood! I SMELL BLOOD!  " 

You knew that this was not a normal thing for a normal snake to say. You were worried but you also knew that something doesn't attack you without a reason so as long as you avoid giving it a reason to attack you. You would be okay. 

Everyone then heard someone scream and you all ran towards the source of the scream. You all turned down a hallway and you saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the middle of the group of people and you saw that someone wrote a message on the wall in blood. 


Draco then said

"Enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next Mud-blood!"

You snickered at Draco's comment since you really didn't like Hermione. Harry saw you laugh at Draco's statement and was angry. You shouldn't be with him. Ron and Hermione also noticed this and were angry that you would laugh at what Draco said. Hermione then noticed the necklace that you were wearing the the glowing gem. She held in her breath and knew that she would have to tell Harry and Ron about that later. 

Just then the teachers came along with Filch. Filch was absolutely livid that his cat Mrs. Norris was petrified and wanted someone to pay for this. The teachers told all the students to leave except the golden trio. So you left with Draco and you were talking while walking towards your dorm. 

"Draco who do you think opened the chamber of secrets? Only the heir to slytherin can open it." 

"I don't know (y/n) but who ever they are they are no friend to mud-bloods. You remember what father told us. It has been fifty years since the chamber was opened. And that fifty years ago a mud-blood died. Personally I hope that happens to Granger. Know it all mud-blood thinks she is better than everyone." 

"Draco be careful what you say right now. The teachers could hear you and if Granger does die or something happens to her you will be the number one suspect. Not that it matters since we are always together and all we have done is read and play chess when we aren't doing something else school related." You said. 

Draco then pulled you into a hug and said

"I am glad that you will always have my back (y/n). Never leave my side."

You hug Draco back and said 

"I made a promise last year didn't I. I swear to you Draco Malfoy I will never leave your side. Even if it means going through hell with you. I will never leave you Draco." You said. 

The two of you then arrive back at the slytherin common room where you two stayed before going to bed for the night.

-meanwhile with the golden trio- 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were now back at their common room and Harry was venting his anger.

"I can't believe that (y/n) would laugh at what Malfoy said! Malfoy is corrupting her! I need to do something now to stop (y/n) from being around Malfoy." Harry said. 

"Calm down Harry. I know that (y/n) hangs around Malfoy a lot but I mean what can we do about it? She is in slytherin house not ours. Besides Harry you have other things to worry about." Ron said. 

"I can't worry about anything else right now Ron. (y/n) is my twin sister and I need to make sure she is on the right path. I care about her even though we are not close. No matter what she is still family." Harry said in retort.

Hermione thought this was time to tell Harry about the necklace she saw (y/n) wearing. 

"Harry, Ron there is something I need to tell you about (y/n). More particularly the necklace she was wearing."

"What is it Hermione? What's so special about the necklace Malfoy gave her? It's just a piece of jewelry." Harry asked. 

"But it's not just  a piece of jewelry Harry. Its a love necklace. Didn't you notice the gem was glowing? As long as that gem glows that means that she is in love with the person who put it on her and vise versa. Harry the necklace shows that Draco and (y/n) are in true love."

Harry was in shock. He couldn't even fathom that you and Draco were truly in love with each other. He also knew that true love was something no one can break no matter how hard they tried. That one necklace just told Harry that you and Draco were soul mates. And that you would never leave his side. Harry got really depressed after hearing this. 

"I'm sorry Harry. But Draco and (y/n) are in love and there is nothing anyone can do about it. It's best that you leave those two alone." Hermione said. 

The three of them then went to turn in for the night. Harry was just lying in bed think over everything that has happened in this one day. First he gets accused of petrifying Mrs. Norris, then he sees you laugh at the thought of mud-bloods being attacked, and finally that no matter what he does that you and Draco were going to be in love. Harry was so angry that he couldn't do anything about you and Draco's relationship. It was then he made a promise. No matter what even if the odds were against him he would break you and Malfoy up. Even if it is the last thing he does. But he will do it secretly. 


(a/n) and done. I know that this is a short chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it anyways. Until next time. 



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