Feelings that aren't there

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Fall has to be one of my favorite times of the year. It's not because this is my last year of school, or because i can wear sweaters, but because of the feeling. Fall sends a chill down my spine, forces the wind to twirl my hair, and calms me. It makes me feel surrounded, comforted. 

"You look nice." I told Melody as she slid into the passenger side of my PT Cruiser. "Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "You Always look nice." I laughed and looked down at skirt and heels i'd chosen to wear. I suppose i'm not the usual jeans and T-shirt type of person, but that's how i like it. Simple, but it gives me a way to express myself. "You ready for today? We're finally seniors!" 

Her voice was excited as i pulled out of her driveway and pulled onto the road that would take us to school. "I suppose, though not as excited as i ought to be." She frowned at me and through the mirror i could see her eyes piercing my face. "What?" She shrugged and looked away. "I thought that if i stared long enough, i'd either be able to read your mind, or you'd willingly tell me about the dream you had last night." Some times i honestly hate how easily she reads me. It's like my feelings are written on my forehead when i'm around her.

"It was nothing. Just like every night, it's fine. Honest." 

She rolled her eyes at me but let the subject drop seeing as i'd just pulled into the parking lot at school. Cambridge high, more like suffocation central. High school will always be the same, it only changes when you decide to change with it.

Walking through the halls felt exactly the same as every year before. Where's my excitement? Where's the superior feeling? The one they write about in books, and emphasize on TV. "This blows." Mel said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. I looked past a group of girls to the couple leaned against the lockers, and holding each other close as though they hadn't just seen each other yesterday. "I'm sorry it didn't work out with her, but i guess one good thing did come out of it." 

She gave me a questioning look until i pointed to Amber's scarf and we both laughed when her new boyfriend lifted it, revealing the very fresh, and very large hickey just above her collar bone. 

"How correct you are. Shall we go to class?" She said hold an arm out to me. I laughed and pushed her in the opposite direction. "We have creative writing first." She groaned. "God, i'm going to suck at this class." She then turned to me, puppy dog eyes showing clearly beneath her blonde eye lashes. "Yes, yes i plan to help you when you need it, now let's go before we're late."

Class was the same as always. For 20 minutes, Mrs.Jones stood in front explaining the assignment. Telling us we had two days to complete it. "I want you to think of a time when you felt truly satisfied. I mean, with every part of your being you knew you would need nothing else, because this one thing was everything. It was intoxicating to you. I want you to describe the situation. But i want you to use feelings. I don't want you focusing on the setting or the details of the exact occasion, but describe what you felt. One page, front and back, due the beginning of class on Wednesday."

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