'To Origin history!' Clarke toasted, holding up her bottle in the air as the girls sat around in the room, having cracked open the stubbies and getting ready to party.

'To Origin history!' The others cheered, clinking the bottles together and laughing, Raven plugging her phone into a pair of speakers and turning it up so the music flowed and filled the room, but was quiet enough that they could all talk without having to raise their voices too much.

Lexa simply observed the conversations for a while, watching as Raven and Octavia tried to convince Anya that, in fact, the ref was full of shit and Queensland had only won because the ref hadn't called out the knock ons and been too harsh on the Blues. Anya bit back with something, but Lexa wasn't listening; she was too busy studying the stubbie cooler that had "To have and to hold and to keep your beer cold" written on it. Lexa figured it was from a wedding or something, but she was starting to catch onto the Australian sense of humour, so she wasn't completely sure.

'Hey,' Clarke said, plopping down on the bed next to Lexa, causing Lexa to look.

'Hey,' Lexa smiled, her heart beat suddenly starting to speed up.

'Are you actually going to drink that, or are you just gonna keep looking at the cooler all night?' Clarke laughed, and then motioned at the bottle in her hands, 'Do you want me to open it or..?'

Lexa scowled at Clarke, possessively holding the bottle closer to her, 'I think I can manage, thank you,' With almost no effort, Lexa twisted the top off her bottle, barely concealing a smirk as she gave Clarke a pointed look, 'See, told you.' Lexa took a swig of the drink, holding the bottle up to her lips, and nearly spat it out, opting to pull a face instead. That nearly made Clarke fall off the bed in laughter. Lexa frowned at the bottle, feeling slightly betrayed that it had done that to her after everything.

'Too strong for ya, hey? I guess it's true about what they say about American beer,' there was still laughter in Clarke's voice, but it was evident that she was trying to hold back.

'Now what exactly is wrong with American beer?' Lexa challenged, playfully glaring at the blonde. The beer was too strong, actually, but Lexa would never admit it. It was just a case of Lexa not being used to the drink, she would get used to it after a while.

'Hey, I didn't say that there was anything wrong with it. You're the one who said it.'

'...Shut up.'

Clarke burst out into laughter again, flinging her arm around Lexa. 'Don't worry. It's true when they say that XXXX isn't for everyone. Maybe you should try Fosters instead,' Lexa didn't miss the glint in Clarke's eyes. It seemed to be a fun game that everyone, especially Clarke and her friends, liked to play: make the tourist believe as many lies as possible, and then laugh when they confused. Lexa was certainly confused, she was sure that most people drank Fosters in Australia. But the way Clarke said it, it made Lexa think that maybe that was just a lie.

'So, Lexa,' Raven said after a while, the attention of the room turning to them, 'what'd ya think of the game?'

'I very much enjoyed it, even though it's a little confusing. I don't know much about how it works.' That was a lie. Lexa knew nothing about how the game worked, only that dropping the ball after it had touched you was called a knock on.

'That's fixable,' Raven grinned, sharing a conspiring look with her friends, even Anya grinned. Lexa felt like something was going to happen, and it did.

Raven fixed the situation by explaining the rules of the game to Lexa, the other girls joining in to help, sometimes even getting up and demonstrating what they were talking about. By this point, they were all four or five drinks in, which meant that everyone was laughing uncontrollably as Octavia did her best impression of kicking a conversion.

'You absolute bogan,' Clarke laughed as Octavia fell over. No one made a move to help Octavia up; they all just sat around laughing, even Octavia was laughing. Lexa wasn't sure how Octavia had done it, but she hadn't spilt a drop of beer on the ground as she fell. That just made Lexa laugh harder. 

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