F.A.I.L=A complete utter fail!!!

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I look in the mirror one more time to realise, MY JUMPER!!!!! I cannot go anywhere without my awesome jumper!! It must be downstairs, I quickly race down the stairs to find... HARRY!! He is right there in front of me!!! My eyes open wide and and I can't take it anymore I quickly run upstairs to my room! Phew, I never knew he was that handsome!!! 

Ok, Ginny, I pep talk myself, he's only an ordinary boy, just an ordinary boy.

"OMG!!!" I yell when I realise what I just did! "My first ever time I met Harry I failed, F.A.I.L.E.D. A complete F.A.I.L! Why? Well I've got plenty of other chances to impress Harry! But it was your first time! Says the words that keep popping up in my mind.

I put my ear up to the door and listen to see if Harry and Ron had gone outside. "Click," Phew, they haves gone outside. I quickly tiptoe down stairs with my tummy not very happy, partly because I'm nervous and hungry at the same time!!

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