"I'm good! I'm sorry I'm calling you so early, assuming you're in New York City, but it's really crazy actually. I'm going to Ecuador for a service trip with school, and I'm flying out today, but the flights got all messed up. They overbooked the flight and...well, to make a long story short, I have an unexpected layover in New York City for a couple hours, and if that's where you're at, I'd love to be able to get a late lunch or early dinner or something," Davis replies.

"Yeah, I can do that!" Karlie replies, suddenly feeling more awake than she has all morning at the prospect of unexpectedly catching up with a childhood friend, practically family. "I'm going to a concert tonight, but I can do that. When will you be landing?"

At the mention of plans being made, Taylor shifts a bit under Karlie's embrace and curiously looks up at her with sleepy blue eyes. She continues to stare at Karlie, mildly curious, as Karlie finalizes plans with her friend.

"Who was that?" Taylor yawns, when Karlie has hung up the phone.

"My friend Davis. She's a childhood friend, she's practically a cousin or something. Our families are all friends with each other. We have, like, baby pictures together," Karlie explains. "An unexpected problem with her airline gives her a couple hours here in New York City."

"That's nice," Taylor says with a smile.

"Yup," Karlie agrees, but sighs before asking, "Do you think I should go to the gym?"

"Yes," Taylor says with a laugh, lightly nudging Karlie. "We're going to be away for a couple days for your birthday, you should probably just go."

Karlie sighs once more and very dramatically pouts as she looks at Taylor.

The singer laughs and nudges her a little more strongly before lightly kissing her pouted lips. "I'll make you breakfast," Taylor says, before beginning to sit up.

"Wait! Come to the gym with me!" Karlie says very quickly, grabbing Taylor's arm before she can move away from her.

"I went to the gym yesterday!" Taylor exclaims. "No way! You're personal trainer is not nice. Actually, you're both not nice together."

"We won't laugh at you this time," Karlie replies with an amused smile, rolling her eyes. "Pleeease," Karlie begs with a huge smile on her face, "It's not fair! I don't want to leave the apartment, especially if you just get to stay here and relax without me."

"But then I have to choose a whole outfit to wear out, and I can't wear the same outfit to the concert otherwise some magazine will make fun of me," Taylor replies.

"What do you mean a whole outfit to wear? We're going to the gym just wear a t-shirt and shorts," Karlie answers.

"And then do you want to tune in to Fashion Police tonight as they tear me apart on the latest episode?" Taylor asks drily.

Karlie clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes. "Pleaseee," Karlie begs once more, lightly shaking Taylor by the shoulder, feeling suddenly very needy for Taylor's company since recently being apart for a longer stretch of days than usual.

Taylor releases a sigh of her own, staring at Karlie with a small purse lipped smile, slightly shaking her head. "Fine," Taylor finally mumbles, before falling back against the pillow. "But you're taking the first shower so I can sleep for longer. And you're getting me my clothes," Taylor adds.

"I'm not showering, I'm just doing it after. Why would I shower before and after going to the gym?" Karlie asks.

"Well, then, I have to shower, otherwise someone will write an article about having greasy hair or something," Taylor replies monotonously, sitting up in bed and hugging the sheet close to her.

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