Armin x Reader ONE SHOT

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/Help: (y/n) Your name

Humming to myself, I walk/ skip down the corridors in the direction of the bases's library. Today is my day off, and I'm going to spend it reading.

Sounds great, huh?

Arriving at the large, old fashioned wooden doors, I push them open, and let out a sigh of content. The old musty smell of old books filled my nose. This place is heaven yes it is.

Heading inside, I skip my hand against the bookshelves as I pass them, a content smile on my face.

I'm walking in the direction of my favorite section.

The fiction.

Oh I just love fiction books and novels. They allow you to travel into far off worlds, and explore new galaxies. One moment you could be in Camelot battling ferocious dragons, the next you are in a world with demons and monsters.

Taking a sharp turn into the isle, I make contact with another person, and we both fall to the ground with a loud "Oomph."

Freaking out, I frantically start to apologize, before a hand reaches out and pats my shoulder.

It's Armin.

"Why are you apologizing? It's quite alright, we all have that sort of thing happen to them every once and awhile."

I smile at him. He's too nice for his own good.

Standing up, I offer my hand to Armin, which he takes, and I pull him up.

Giving me a kind smile, he turns back to the shelf he was looking at before out little collision. "Looks like we both have the same idea didn't we?"

Flashing him a cheeky smile, I cross my arms and walk to the opposite shelf as him. "Great minds think alike."

He chuckles. "Yes, great minds think alike. Are you looking for any book in particular?"

Shaking my head, I pull a random book out of the shelf and read the back of it. "Nah, I just came up here for something to read. There's nothing I'm really searching for. If it sounds like a good book, I'll take it. If it is horribly done, I'll keep looking."

He nods in understanding. "Same here."

Placing the book I was just skimming over a moment ago back, I turn around and face my blonde friend.

"If you want, I could give you some suggestions that you may enjoy."

He perks up and turns to me. "That would be great!! Which ones do you think are good?"

I tap my chin in thought. "Weeeell, if you are looking for a mystery, slightly romancy, action filled book, I would recromend 'The Mortal Instruments' This is a book about Shadowhunters; children of angels who fight demons, and wear runes on their bodies to help them fight, be swift, and to heal wounds. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat, though at some times, I would really like to pop that Clary one. Oi she is such a fool."

Laughing, he sits down cross legged on the ground. I follow suit, sitting across from him.

"I just might take you up on that offer. You have any other suggestions?"

I nod, "Of course I do you knucklehead. There is this other series I read awhile back, so I don't remember much, but it's called 'Maximum Ride' It's another action packed one, with a little romance thrown in there. There's bearly any in it though. But, anywho! It's a book about these 6 children who get captured, and turned into this evil laboratory called The School. There, they get injected with all these chemicals that turn them into mutants. They get wings, and are half human, half different types of birds. Throughout the series, they get chased down by the scientists in that facility, and by these odd werewolf creatures called Erasers. It may sound foolish, but it has a really good storyline."

"That 'Maximum Ride' series sounds pretty neat, I think I may try that one out. Do you want any suggestions?"

I smile and nod at him. "Why not?"

He quickly scrambles up, and walks over to the bookshelf, pulling out a large book.

Walking back over to my spot on the floor, he holds the book out. "Here you go, try this one out."

Taking the treasure from his grasp, I look down at it in awe. It's one of the books I have been searching for, for awhile. Ever since I saw a preview for it on the back of one of the novels I was reading, I was determined to find that one.

It was called 'Speak' It's a short little novel about a girl suffering from depression, and bullying at her school.

Why would I want to read a book like that may you ask? Well, her situation reminds me a lot like my own back in the day. My life wasn't the....happiest of all places.

"Hey (y/n)?"

Snapping out of my daze, I turn my face to the side only to meet Armin's concerned expression.

"What is it?"

"You were spacing out, is everything alright?"

Chuckling, I wave my hand around. "Don't worry about it, I'm perfectly fine. Let's just go find a comfy spot to rest and read shall we?"

He still looked at me suspiciously, he obviously didn't believe me, but rather than push it, he just nodded and walked over to the nearby sofa. Sitting down, he pats the seat next to him, a warm smile on his face.

I walk over to him and give him a smile, resting my head against his shoulder.

He tenses up at first, then blushes. Leaning his head against mine, we both open our books, and start to read, exchanging little amounts of small talk, but otherwise, we remained focused on our small treasures.

We stayed like that for a couple hours, reading and just enjoying one anothers company, until I felt the weight on the top of head grow heavier, and his breathing became shallower.


No answer.

Smiling I lift up his head and place it on my shoulder. Gosh he is too cute. Leaning my head down, I give him a small peck on the cheek, and whisper three words that I would never have the guts to say to him in person.

"I love you."

Laying my head against his, I slowly drift into sleep as well.

Little did I know, my little blonde friend heard everything, and was smiling to himself.

"I love you too (y/n)."

Armin x Reader ONE SHOTOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz