Paul shouted, "The least you could is try. I'm your imprint for Christ's sake."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop throwing that word around like it means something."

Paul said bone-chillingly quiet, "That word means everything. You're my everything."

I saw down on the ground and stared at the rug. I said furiously, "When I was in Seattle, I had a boyfriend. I was desperately in love with him. One day, we were making out on the couch when things started to go farther. I had already made it clear to him before I didn't want to go any farther. After many attempts to stop him, he ra-raped me.

I told my parents about it, hoping they would do something, anything about it. See, his father was the chief of police there, and there was no point in doing anything legal. Instead, they called me a worthless, oh, how funny that is, they were calling me worthless, ring any bells, but yeah, they called me a worthless whore. And then they beat me, and brought me on a trip to Uncle Billy's, only to never come back.

But just wait for a second there, you didn't think I could get off that easily. So after I start making friends, and everyone leaves, just leaving Quil and I, I'm in my AP Bio class, when he walks in. Oh wait, it gets better. After having a panic attack in the bathroom, I'm completely fine. Until I go to gym, and we play basketball, and he breaks my goddamn nose.

So I go home, right, this is the real kicker, and I'm hanging out with Quil, when the door bell rings and he says it's a friend from school coming to work on a project, and then Quil leaves. When I open the door, it's none other than him. Guess what he does? Can you guess"

Paul looked furious and was starting to shake. I grinned. "Bingo. He raped me, on the floor of Billy's house, where many of our beloved friends are standing right now. And when I don't think life can get any worse, I phase into a fucking werewolf. How much of that were you expecting? I don't think you expected any of it, because you can't pull your head out of your goddamn ass for one second to look around."

I walked over to the window and slid it open, ignoring Paul's protests, and hopped out through it. He collapsed on the bed, and I slammed it shut as I watched him try to control his breathing. Walking away from the yard, I headed into the woods, leaves and twigs crunching under my feet. Longing to go back to Paul, I kept walking until I smelt the sickly sweet stench of a leech. Already furious, I quickly phased and howled, despite no one being in my mind.

I took off towards the smell, trail leading me deeper and deeper into the woods, until I came to a clearing where I saw the tick, holding onto a little girl, who was crying, and the vamp looked ready to kill. I growled at her and she looked up, amused. Circling her now, she said, "You have no business here, werewolf. I'm just having a bit of a snack."

I pounced at her and she quickly dropped the girl, running away. Careful to not step on her, I ran after the vampire, her curly, ginger hair swinging behind her as she ran. Following her sickening peals of laughter, I felt Jared shift into my mind.

Jared: You alright?

Mer: Leech. Left a human girl in the clearing.

After showing him everything that happened, he quickly ran to the girl, as I followed the leech, who stopped in another smaller clearing. I ran at her, but she just moved to the side but I grabbed out with my teeth, which caught purchase at her ankle and I threw her across the clearing.

She glared. "You wanna play, then? Let's play."

I growled as she launched herself at me, and I dug my claws into her and we rolled around, me snapping at her, as she kept trying to find purchase along my squirming body.

An (Im)Perfect Imprint (A Paul Lahote Imprint)Where stories live. Discover now