Chapter 1

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     I whirled, kicking my opponent in the side. The audience roared it's approval. The enormous man reeled back, in front of me who's getting his butt kicked stumbled backwards, his nose dripping bright red blood, and I kneed him in the stomach. He groaned, and his eyelids fluttered shut, and he slumped to the dusty floor of one of the multiple fighting pits in Anaria.

     The crowd, screaming, started throwing little jewels at me. I smiled, and searched the mass of people for them. There.

     Disheveled brown locks, tan skin, and bright sapphire eyes, Gray Ashfall, who was grinning ear to ear, gave me a thumbs up. His green shirt slightly ruffled underneath his black cloak.

     Beside him, Ana Jasper was clapping her small hands like a maniac. In fact, it was so loud, the drunk men beside her were covering their ears and swearing. But, still, even in her simple blue dress, she still looked amazing, her long golden curls framing her ivory skin and her green eyes shining with pride.

     "And the winner is Luna Silvene!" The announcer said, handing me the heavy sack of gold coins, and then muttered, "For the 16 time in a row."

     I frowned at him, scooped a handful of glittering stones from the ground, tucked them with the money, swiped the fifteen other bags from the side, and walked to my friends.

     "THAT. WAS. SO. AWESOME!" Ana screamed, shaking me.

     "Whoa, easy there," I laughed.

     "Remind me not to get on your bad side. I can't believe you actually did the challenge!" Gray shook his head, "And you did a extra match!"

    "Yep," I grinned. Gray dared me to fight against fifteen people. And win. If I did, he said he'll buy me chocolate. And I like chocolate. And cake. And cookies. And, well, you get the idea. I shrugged, "That guy I just beat up was saying I punch like a girl. "Now, I believe you owe me a box of chocolate?"

    "Ooh can I have some?" Ana squealed, squeezing my arm, "Please, I'm so hungry!"

    "Chocolate isn't food though,"

    "So?" She asks, lifting a eyebrow.


    She giggled, and snatched a sapphire from my bag, "These are so, so, so, shiny! What are you going to do with them?"

    "I think I'm going to sell them at the jeweler." I plucked the blue gem out of her hands and pocketed it, "Anyway, we should get going."

    Gray walked to the door, and bowed mockingly, "Ladies first."

"Well, I'm no lady, so Ana, move it,"

"Well, as princess, I get to go first." She huffed. As princess, she also gets everything she wants, She also gets to be taught by famous tutors everyday, every hour, every minute. Including this one.

    Anastasia Elizabeth Jasper. Crown Princess of Anaria. The Jewel of the King's Court. And The-Person-who-gets-on-her-Tutor's -Nerves.

    "Tell me, Your Highness, why did you miss class today?" David's voice was calm, but his watery blue eyes flared with anger. His hair was like usual, not a hair out of place, slicked back.

    "We were buying chocolate," Ana nodded at Gray, who had a few dozen red and silver boxes topped with bows tucked under both his arms, "Obviously."

    His thick eyebrows narrowing, scanning all of us, "Well, why is it that the city patrol saw Your Highness at a pit fight?" He smiled at her smugly.

    "We passed it on our way home, Sir Spiers" I said, trying not to snap each of his pudgy sausage-like fingers.

    He glared at me. He never liked me. Ever since I was little, he seemed to delight in making my life more difficult and got that evil glint in his eye whenever I did something wrong, "Miss Silvene, since you came with Her Highness and failed to alert me, you're on stable duty. You would be too, Captain, but you have other duties. Miss Jasper, you did not attend class, so extra work for you," He held out a stack of paper to Ana, whose mouth dropped.

    "What! That"s not fair!" Me and Ana shouted.

    "Yes it is, and it's more fair than what you two deserve," He turned on his heel and stalked away.

    "Lulu, your mouth's open."

    I slammed my lips together and turned. Gray was grinning at me. I glared at him and stomped towards my room, dragging a still complaining Ana behind me.

    "EXTRA HOMEWORK!?" Ana roared, stomping in circles around her room, "I SHOULD BANISH THAT IDIOT TO SCOOPING THE HORSE'S ****!"

    Now, it's sort of obvious that **** is not what Miss Tantrum said, but I can't tell you what it actually is, so lets stick with it.

    "Calm down Ana. Besides, your smart. You can finish it all in minutes." I sighed laying on her enormous baby blue bed, "And technically, I have to scoop the horse ****, not that pathetic excuse of a person."

     Ana giggled, anger instantly forgotten. "I know! He's like some human sized sausage!"

    "Yeah," I sat up, "You should get to that homework."

    She sighed, "Whatever."

    "You know your father wants you to have a good education."

    "Only so I can get married off to some dimwitted prince with a stuffed shirt!" She grumbled, grabbing her books.

    "Don't worry about it. If some idiot you don't like asks to sweep you off your feet, I'll crack his face open," I say, walking to the door.

    "Where are you going?"

    "To the stables"

    "Oh. Have fun."

    "I won't. See you at dinner."

    Little did I know, that would be the last time I saw her...

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