Chapter 1

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You sit in the back of the cab as you ride to your boyfriends house. It's been 2 weeks since you've seen him but it seems like it's been longer.

You look out the window and see people. 'Well? What did you expect?' You think to yourself.

It's raining but that's okay, you like rain.

When you get to his apartment he's impatiently waiting for you. You open the cab door and jump out just in time for your boyfriend to grab you.

"I've missed you so much!" He says as he swings you around. "I've missed you too!" You say as you cling to him.

"Harry, you gotta let me go." You said "why?" He asks, hugging you. "Cause it's raining and I wanna get inside. But I have to pay the cab driver. Please let me go!!" You say pleadingly, struggling to get away.

He finally let's go of you, you pay the cab driver, and grab your bags, Harry makes you give him half of them.

You get to the elevator and he presses the button and looks at you. "What?" You finally say. "Nothing," he answers. "I just like looking at beautiful things." You blush. 'Why am I blushing?' You think to yourself 'we've been together for 3 years..'

The elevator door opens and you get in and stare at the floor awkwardly. After a while Harry says"Y/N? Something wrong?" "No" you say "it just seems like forever since I've seen you." He smiles at you and the elevator door opens.

You follow Harry down the hallway and he stops in front of a door and kicks it. You look at him like he's crazy but within seconds Calfreezy opens the door "Y/N! It's been a while!" He says when he sees you.

"Hey Calwarmy!" You say as you set your bags down in the door way.

"..that's not my name." Cal says with narrow eyes. "Calfebreezy?" You say jokingly. He just looks at you like 'rly m9?'

"It's good to see you cal!" You say as you hug him. "It's good to see you too Y/N." He says lifting you by your arms and hugging you back.

"Uh.. Cal?" You say "yes Y/N?" He says. "You know you can let go now..right?" You say "yep" he says. "So let me go!! You now I hate hugs!!" You say "fine" he says with a smile.

When your feet are no longer dangling in the air you go to put your bags in Harry's room but find that he's already done it.

"Harry.." You shout down the hall way. "What?" Harry shouts back as he walks down the hall way towards you. "I could have done that you know.." You say a little bit irritated, Cal is chuckling behind you. "Yeah, I know. But your a guest." He says smiling. "Fine" you say while you look at him with narrow eyes.

A small smile forms on your face when Harry picks you up and carries you down the hall to his room and sets you on the bed. "How long has it been since you've slept?" He asks. "32 hours? But I swear I'm fine." You say before yawning. "Yeah. 'Fine'" he says.

He lays down with you. "Please sleep?" He says in a hushed voice. "But it's like 2:30 p.m." You say. "Pleeeeeeease?" He asks again. "Fine," you say. "But only if you stay with me." "Of corse I will." He says.

You soon fall fast asleep within Harry's arms. 

In Your Arms Reader x WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now