Chapter one

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Masky's Pov

Beep Beep"huh come on masky it's time to get up" I can hear someone moving around the room, but I'm to tired to really care. Soon the noise stops and I slowly begin to drift off to sleep again. "come on masky get up" the person says again sounding irritated "five more minutes" I mumble snuggling deeper into my blankets only to have them ripped from me. I finally sit up only to see a very pissed off hoodie now holding my blankets in one hand and my mask in to other. Which he throws at me "now that your up hurry up and get dress" with that he walks out the room slamming the door behind him, with a yawn I tiredly crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom to get ready.

Time skip 30 minute later

Slowly making my way downstairs I could hear people yelling, as I get closer to the dinning room it becomes clear that jeff is argueing with toby again. I silently walk pass them and sit next to hoodie who is quitely eating a whole cheesecake. "So want's going on with them" I ask taking a slice of cheesecake. "the usual jeff being jeff was messing with toby, took it to far and now toby's pissed off." "but what did jeff say to piss off toby." I muttered watching as toby is now trying to decapitate jeff. "jeff was talking about how he's better then toby and how clockwork would never date toby becauses he's ugly." oh so thats it no wonder toby's mad. Everyone knew toby liked clockwork, that is except clockwork herself. As I continue to watch toby and jeff fighting with Ej and Lj trying to hold them back I stoped paying attenchen to what I was doing which was a big mistake an embarrassingly hugh mistake. "um masky uh you know your using my fork right." I slowly look down to see my fork on my plate and hoodie's fork was still in my mouth. This can't be happening and to make matters worse I can feel my face heating up, why didn't I just stay asleep. 

Hoodie's pov

gezz maskys always so difficut in the morning he's always sleeping though the alarm. but who could blame him he is always staying up late to finish writting up the reports the boss gives him. hum... it seems jeff's teasing toby again this should be funny to watch. I think I what some cheesecake for breakfast.

Time skip

And I was right their fight did get better now toby's trying to kill jeff and jeffs still being and idiot and egging him on. Taking a bite of my cake I could see masky walking over to me while looking at the to idiots fighting. He then takes seat next to me "So want's going on with them." he asked me while eating some of the cake, I could see he was still sleepy and his hair was wet i guess he took a shower. "the usual jeff being jeff was messing with toby, took it to far and now toby's pissed off." he slowly look over to them while putting his fork down as I spoke. I could see he was slightly intrested though he was trying not to show it "but what did jeff say to piss off toby." he muttered under his breath but I could still hear him "jeff was talking about how he's better then toby and how clockwork would never date toby becauses he's ugly." I answered him noticeing how he was now just staring at the fight, by now Ej and Lj were try their hardest to tear them away from each other. I slowly look back at masky watching as he unconsciously eats his cheesecake completly absored in his own thoughts when I notice his fork is still on his plate I look down at my now empty plate to see my fork was missing. When did he take my fork I think he doesn't even know that he's using my fork I should tell him. I leaned over to him so he could hear me and no one else would "um...masky...uh you know your using my fork right." I watch as he look down at his fork on his plate then at my empty plate, only for his face to heat up "uh....s.s..sorry." he stutters ovisisly embarrass I couldn't help laughing as his face went an even deeper red then before. "it's not funny" "it kind of is" "no it's n...." masky suddinly stops speaking as a tall slender man wearing a suit aka the slenderman our boss walks into the room and over to were jeff and toby are grabing them with two of his many tentacles and begins to scold them for fighting. when he was finish he puts them down and turns toward me and masky. "Masky, Hoodie I have a mission for the two of you." He then hands a thick envolope to masky "all the information is in their leave as soon as you have your gear this is a very important mission that must be finished as soon as possibe do you understand." "yes sir" with that me and masky run upstair to get ready and leave as soon as possible.

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