I Hate you

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Bon bon pov. We were walking to school until we came across len and his gang he was coming twords us oh no vixey will just embarrass herself again when he came he said hey losers but vixey said hi len all hyper but len just made a grossed out face and scoffed you really think I will ever like you your just an ugly butch that has no life you should know already that no one will ever like you I can't believe you actually think you have a chance with me idiot you might as well kill yourself I hate you I'll never like a hideous witch like you he said in her face and punched her in the gut foxy punched len harder in the face so they left.

Foxy pov. I was so angry at len that I punched him in the face after they left I looked at vixey she was crying I was really sad for her I can't imagine how it feels to be rejected by your crush I leaned down and said are you ok vixey she looked up and said n-no she said I said do you need to go to the nurse he punched you really hard as l saw her clutch her stomach she just nodded I told the rest to without us while I took her to the nurse as we were walking to the nurse I was thinking on what she saw in len I mean he freaked punched her and didn't even look sorry I hate him when we came in I told the nurse what happened and she looked shocked.

Vixey pov. I never thought that len would do that to me he said I was an ugly witch and that I should kill myself and to make it worse he punched me in the gut and didn't even care that I was hurt how could he do that to me I know i'm ugly but he didn't have to say that to me I hate len now he is the worst I can't believe I actually liked him but foxy is different he helped me he is very sweet but no one knows that I don't look like this I faked being ugly I put on fake braces, I dyed my hair purple and put it in a pony tail that can wash off when I take a shower, I don't even need glasses, and I don't wear ugly clothes tomorrow I'll show everyone what I look like.

fnaf foxy x mangle (the fox that no one noticed)Where stories live. Discover now