Chapter 1

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The man with tied up black and slightly grey hair wrote and studied the creature before him, the creature being you. You were in your 'Chaos' form, you growled and snarled at the older man through the window. You were treated like an animal, so you acted like one. You were currently on all fours with your wings spread out, trying to look threating. If you truly felt threaten, you would stand while having your wings out with a fighting stance. The older man with a hawk like face only smirked at this as he wrote stuff down, he made a motion with his hand. You quickly jump back when you heard a click and ratteling, looking in the direction of the sound. Your wings lowered slightly as you saw some apple slices being tossed out from a metal hatch in the wall, your treating stance breaking into nothing but a calm one. You quickly scurried to the fruit, you enjoyed apples! They mostly feed you nothing but meat and simple water, but if you were a good boy or did something right, you would receive this juicy wonderful red thing. You easily devoured the slices that consisted if only the, but on rare occasions you would get the full apple, sometimes with a side of peanut butter or caramel. The old man left with a large smile on his face, a new scientist came in. His job his to give your punishment, you were mostly a good boy, but this younger man known as Nate. Would give your punishment no matter what, he turned up the dial and pressed a dark grey button that was next to a blue colored one. At least three satellite looking dishes came out from the celling, aiming in your direction. Electric sparks came from the devices, easily hitting your resting form. You released a horried scream that would frighten the weak, you jumped up to your feet. You ripped the Satellite dishes from the celling, your wings flapped down giving a boost for you. Your wings allowed you to reach the celling, taring away the metal and cardboard. You made your way through as the man who hurt you, panic and ran to a large red button upon the wall. Breaking the glass, he quickly pressed it. He than rushed out of the room,

"PROJECT VICTOR(don't worry that's not ur name) HAS ESCAPED!" He had yelled out, people begun to panic. Most tryed to get what they needed and others just left before the building's system froze them, you tore through many different scientest and test subjects alike. Blood and organs flying around, splattered on walls and flooring. A robotic female voice rung out as you continued your slaughtering,

"Freeze Time will begin in 5 seconds.....5..." Screams and that voice landed on deaf ears,


"__________!" Your glowing (E/C) eyes widen as your pointed ears perked up at the fimailer voice, looking towards the direction of that voice. You could see your Mother dressed in Test-Subject clothing, you were taken away from her at birth, but she was able to see you once in a while. She used to be a scientest until the Chaos Subject came around, you quickly made your way to her as she ran towards you.

"...2..." Flapping your wings, you easily made it to her in time. On instinct, you wrapped your arms around her as you did the same with your (Fav Color) and black wings. Covering her from what was to come,

"...1..." The extinguishers like objects prayed out thick cold fog that started to cover everything in thick sheet of frost and ice, the cooling system kicked on. Keeping everything preserved, no someone could move, no sound could be heard except for some crackling. Everything was frozen in place, lights started to dull down, engulfing the inside black.

Part 2?

Vincent Valentine X Son Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя