ShikaTema: Nervous Habits

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Gaara put his hand on Shikamaru's shoulder, an unexpected warmth in his voice that surprisingly comforted Shikamaru.

"You know how Temari is. She'll be fine." Gaara gave his brother in law a reassuring look. "We're worried too, you aren't alone here."

"I know." Shikamaru suddenly felt a bit of guilt. "I guess I'm being selfish, I'm sure you and Kankuro are just as worried as I am."

"You know, it's funny." Kankuro patted his knee's with a reminiscent look. "I remember when Temari first brought you home to meet Gaara and I. Do you remember that night?"

"How could I forget." Shikamaru said with a smile.

"Ooh tell us!" Ino asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Yeah Shikamaru," Naruto chimed in. "You haven't told us that story before! How'd it go?"

"How did you think it went?" Shikamaru laughed. "It's terrifying enough meeting your girlfriends family, it didn't help that she had two seriously protective brothers- on top of which, one is the most skillful puppet masters in the world and the other is the kazekages of the sand."

"Bet you were scared shitless!" Naruto laughed, throwing his head back as he pictured how the encounter went over in his head. "I would have paid to see that!"

"Tell me about it." Shikamaru ran his hand over his head. "I wasn't sure if I was going to make it out alive or not. I mean, sure I had met them both before, and they knew me, but they didn't know I was dating their sister."

"Yeah," Kankuro gave Shikamaru a nudge. "We knew you were a pretty smart and cool guy, which is why Gaara and I kept such a close eye on you after we found out you were dating Temari."

"And here I thought you two didn't like me." Shikamaru put his arms around both his in-laws.

"We didn't." Gaara said cracking a grin. "Not because we had a problem with you, of course. It's just a brother thing."

"But you grew on us." Kankuro admitted. "And I guess you grew on Temari too."

"Guess so." Shikamaru leaned back in his chair, pulling his arms back and feeling the wedding ring he had on his finger with his other hand. "How on Earth did I get so lucky?"

"I'm glad." Gaara said suddenly, starring off into his own little world- like he didn't even realize he was talking out loud. "I'm glad she married you, Shikamaru. I couldn't see her being as happy as she is with anyone else but you."

There was a heavy, but happy silence in the waiting room. It was like everyone took a moment to appreciate everything in their life up to this moment.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Everyone turned as the sound of shoes on tile came echoing down the hall into the waiting.

"Shikamaru," The pink haired doctor said in a slightly scolding tone. "I'm guessing that was you who punched that big dent in the wall? Geez. What am I going to do with you?"

"Sakura- I mean, Dr. Haruno!" Shikamaru jumped up as soon as he saw his old friend in a white doctors jacket. "I didn't know you were Temari's doctor."

"Please, you can just call me Sakura." She smiled waving her hand like she was embarrassed to be addressed properly by a good friend. "And I wasn't until I found out just who was giving birth. I wanted to be the head doctor helping Temari, I mean, give birth. It would be an honor to welcome this child into the world."

"Well I know she's in good hands." Shikamaru walked over and her a hug. "How is she doing?"

"Well." Sakura pulled out a clipboard from under her arm. "She's handling her contractions well, but they're getting close, so she's nearing labor."

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