chapter one

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Today has been exactly one year since I've been here.

Here. Possibly the worst place on planet earth.

Today is December 3, 2082. The world has come to nothing but rubbish and war. When I was a small child, I thought the future would be full of flying cars and tubes that shoot you up to your homes in the air.

Boy, was I wrong.

In August of 2076, World War broke out. Bombs were everywhere, fires broke out. I can remember the smell of the burning flesh and hear the buildings falling down. The children's screams still haunt me at night. Mothers scrambling around trying to keep their loved kids safe. But there was no safe.

I lost my younger brother that day. Not only did I lose him, but I watched him go. I did everything in my power to save him. Christian wasn't the average younger brother. He knew too much about the world for 7 years old, and died at such a young age. It was not fair. This world doesn't hold fairness anymore.

It wasn't just the buildings that burned down, humanity burned down with them. Every last ounce of self control and emotion that people held was pulled away. Just as I was pulled away.

It seemed so long ago. On May 14, 2077, I was kidnapped. Pulled straight from the little family I had left. It had been almost a year since war struck. It was only me, my mother, and older sister.

My mother's name is, or was, I wouldn't know anymore, Beverly. She stayed positive through everything, and my sister, Katherine, whom is 2 years older than me. We were living in a small house on the outskirts of the city the year I was kidnapped. We changed locations often, trying to dodge the power of the government.

The people that were left after the war were in need of help. I know it was not out of sympathy, for it was done out of craving for full power, the government took completely over. They provided everyone with small homes and little amounts of food. If you did one thing wrong, you were severely punished.

The scars on my back prove that. Anyhow, I was on the way back home to my mother and sister when I heard a familiar cry.

"Mia! Mia! Help me!" It was Christian's voice. I knew it couldn't be, but my curiosity and fury got the best of me. It couldn't be true, and I knew it. Before I could process what was going on around me, everything went black.

I woke up in a blinding white room. I was laying on a twin size bed, similar to a hospital bed. I had then sat up and felt a ringing in my head. The pain was unbearable. I was there, locked in that room for a week with no food. I got 2 bottles of water, which tasted horrible, the entire week. They were given to me through a small hole in the door.

I had tried to escape once, only to find out he bolted the small door. There was no escaping. Finally after 1 week with no food, I was let out of that torture chamber.

I was sitting on that name of a bed when the door creaked open. My vision was blurry as a side effect of no food when a large man grasped my arm. He threw me out of the room and onto a couch. I was tied down. I can still remember his raspy voice in my ear.

"Hello, Mrs. Mia. My name is Zayn. You cooperate, you get fed. You don't cooperate, and well." And with that he let out a dark chuckle.

I was only with Zayn for around 6 months. I turned 14 while I was with him. I don't think he was much older than I was. Maybe 5 years. I couldn't be sure.

Ever since then, I've been passed on and on through many older guys. Only one treated me well. His name was Louis. He actually cared for me. He fed me, gave me food, provided me with clothing, and was nice to me. I was with him for a year and a half. Before him was what I thought was the worst.

Deadly (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora