//Mia's pov//
I'm going to tell a little bit about myself,
My name is Mia hood I live in Sydney Australia,
I'm in high school, I'm 17 years old,
My favorite bands are greenday panic! At the disco and the 1975 I have lots more but yea,
I have struggled with suicide
But it's all better now, I have one brother Calum hood, and I don't have anything else to tell.
"Mom! I'm going to the park" I yelled "sure be home for dinner" she smiled "okay" I said I walked at the park and sat down on the grass, i saw a boy under the tree it looked like he was crying I frowned he had blonde hair and blue eyes he was beautiful, he smoked and that's when I saw it he putted his blade in his wrist I wanted to talk to him and stop him but I didn't even know him he looked left and right and he saw me I looked at the ground
//Luke's pov//
Why did I do it a again I'm such a idiot I looked left and right and saw a girl at my age in the grass looking at the ground she had brown hair and wore a white skirt and a black top I sighed stood up and begon to walk home "hey!" I heard a voice behind me it was the girl "yes?" I asked "don't do that" she spoke "who are you my mother" I laughed "okay fine you stupid asshole I was only trying to help" she walked away "I don't need help" I yelled I needed help because I was depressed and I cutted and I couldn't stop it,"what's your name" I yelled "Mia but don't ever talk to my again" she said
//Mia's pov//
I walked into my house and saw Calum with Michael sitting on the couch I was just pissed "where's mom?" I asked sitting down "out with dad,the pizza is on the counter" Calum spoke I sighed "what's wrong" Michael asked "ermm, I saw a boy in the park I always am and he was...cutting and when I talked to him and said don't do that again he was like who are you my mother, I was just trying to help!" I said "you can't help those people Mia" Calum spoke I sighed "I'm going to my room I'm just super tired of life" I said they nodded
//Luke's pov//
"But he needs help we need to get him in a mental hospital!" My mom whisperd yelled to my dad oh my god "so when you want to do that" he asked "next week" she said I run upstairs and slammed the door shut fucking assholes i layed on my bed and thought about the girl from the park she was beautiful I wanted to say sorry I guess she was in high school and ashton knew everyone in this city I texted ashton
To ashton:Mate do you know a girl named Mia she's in high school .
To Luke: yes she has brown hair right?
To ashton: yes she has do you have her address?
To Luke: no I'm sorry mate
"Fuck!" I yelled maybe if I'm going to the park tomorrow she will be there to? I will just wait I guess, right now it was 9pm and I was just tired I just tryed to sleep.
//Mia's pov//
It was Sunday and I walked down stairs the next morning "morning" I jawned "goodmorning" my mom smiled I sat down in the kitchen "goooodmorning" Michael smiled "oh I didn't know you slept here?" I laughed "I did" he smiled lazy "hood morning" Calum smirked "why hood morning it's good" I laughed "because were hoods" he laughed and gave Michael a box "idiots" I smiled I made breakfirst and eat it all I walked upstairs and got ready, I wanted to go to the park again, "I'm going out" I said to Calum it was 3pm now "okay have fun!" He smiled I walked to the park and saw the boy again I sat down on the grass and he walked my way "I'm sorry for yesterday" he said "it's okay I guess" I smiled "can I sit next to you?" He whisperd and smiled "yea sure" I said he grabbed his pack of cigarets "do you smoke?" He smiled "nah" I smiled "oh okay" he lighed his cigaret and blew it out "so are you going to tell me your name" I laughed "Luke,hemmings" he said "Mia hood" I said "wait hood?" He said "yes?" I said frowning "your brother is Calum right?" He asked "yes..why?" I said "yea I know him" he said looking down "oh okay" I said "so why are you doing it" I asked "doing what" he said looking at me "cutting" I said he looked away and stood up "Luke wait" I said standing up "no" he walked away and run off "what the fuck" I whisperd I walked home and this whole week I didn't see Luke these 2 weeks I asked Calum If he knew luke he said that I needed to watch out for him, I asked him where he lived and he told me I got into my car and drove to his house it was not far away close to the park I got out of my car and knocked on the door a middle age women opened the door "hi what can I do?" She said "I'm looking for Luke" I said "he's not here anymore go to the mental hospital" she said and closed the door I typed into my GPS the closed mental hospital and drove off in 20 minutes I got there and walked in "hello I'm looking luke hemmings?" I smiled at the women "oh it's visit hour right now your lucky" she smiled and gave me a sticker and the place were Luke was it was cold grey and weird there were people screaming "here" she smiled I knocked in the door and a convust Luke opened the door "what are you doing here" he said eyes red, messy hair, "to visit you" I smiled "ermm okay come in" he smiled it was cold and the room was small i sat down on the little bed "why are you here?" I asked "my parents" He said awkwardly and sat down next to me "tell me about you" I asked "I'm depressed, suicide, and I always cut but now that I'm here I can't" he whisperd I sighed "wow..well I-i" i stutterd "you don't have to say anything" he said "why are you even here?" He whisperd "b-because erm..I just wanted to look how you doing and stuff.." I looked at my fingers
//Luke's pov//
She was beautiful she blushed a little but why was she here..for me..I mean look at me I'm a mess inside out! "Your beautiful" I said shit Luke! Why did I say that! "Thanks" she smiled I smiled back "do you like music" she smiled "no" I said "well it kinda helped me.." She whisperd "what?" I asked "well I was depressed, and music and bands just helped me" she smiled and showed me her wrist..."look" she whisperd and shove it away "I did it too" she Saïd

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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