Chapter 7: Holidays

Começar do início

Draco and I nod our heads. Mr. Malfoy went first. He grabbed a hand full of floo powder and said 

"Malfoy Manor." He was then engulfed by green flames and he was no longer in the fire place. Mrs. Malfoy did the same thing. 

"Don't worry (y/n). Just grab a hand full of floo powder say Malfoy Manor and throw the powder down. Easy."

I nodded my head. I grabbed a handful of the floo powder and looked at Draco before saying 

"Malfoy Manor." as I threw down the powder. For a second all I could see was green flames. 

Then after all the flames died down I saw that I was in a different fire place in a large mansion. I walked out of the fire place and saw Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy waiting for Draco and I. A few seconds later Draco emerged from the fire place as well. 

"Great job (y/n). You didn't mess up like some people do when they first use floo powder." Draco said to me. 

Then a house elf walked into the living room that we were in. 

"Master I have finished fixing up the room next to Master Draco's room." 

Mr. Malfoy waved off the elf and said 

"Very well go help with the dinner preparations." 

The house elf bowed before leaving the room. 

"Well now Draco why don't you show (y/n) to her room. Oh and (y/n) don't worry about your luggage the house elves will bring it up to your room." Mr. Malfoy said. 

Draco then took my hand and lead me up the stairs into a hallway with a lot of doors. We stopped near the end of the hallway in front of a door one door down from the end. 

"This is your room (y/n). My room is just right next to it. So if you need anything I am right next door." 

Draco then opened the room for me. When I walked inside I saw that the room was huge. There was a king sized bed straight ahead in the middle of two giant windows which were closed by black drapes. The king sized bed had black covers and green pillows. On one side of the room was a desk the desk was on the side of the wall I shared with Draco's room. While on the other side was two doors. One door lead to a personal bathroom and the other led to a walk-in closet. 

I was in shock this room was so much nicer than any room at the Dursley's house. I turned to Draco and said

"Is this really my room?"

Draco seemed confused at my statement.

"Of course this is your room. It's the same size as my room but it is still smaller than my parents room or some of the guest rooms but its big enough right?"

I didn't say anything but I just grabbed Draco and hugged him really tightly. I then started to say thank you over and over again. Draco didn't seem to mind me hugging him and hugged me back. We stayed like this until Draco's mother walked in. 

"Oh look at you two. Young love if I ever saw it. I came up here to tell you that dinner is done." 

Draco and I blushed at what his mother said and we separated. After his mother left I turned back towards Draco.  We both looked at each other for a little bit until Draco said

"We better get downstairs for dinner." 

Draco then held my hand our fingers intertwined as we walked to the dinning room. Draco and I sat next to each other while we ate. The food was fantastic even better than the Hogwarts food. During dinner Draco and I would talk to his parents about what we have been doing in school. Mr. Malfoy congratulated me on becoming the slytherin seeker and how slytherin has not lost a match since then. After dinner Draco led me back to my room. We stayed up just talking about different things until it was getting late so Draco left to go to his room for the night. 

I took a shower in my new bathroom and changed into my night gown and jumped into the king sized bed. It was super comfy and I fell asleep. 

I was woken up the next morning by Draco knocking on my door saying that it was Christmas. I got out of bed and went to the door and opened it. Draco was standing outside in his pajamas. He then took my hand and led me to the living room where there were a ton of presents. Half of them were for me while the other half was for Draco. I couldn't believe that Draco's parents bought me all this stuff. Draco and I got a ton of different presents. Draco's favorite was a potion's kit and an alchemy kit. My favorite was a chess board and my own potion's kit. Draco and I spent the entire day playing with our new presents. I beat Draco a few times with chess but he won most of the time. We then had a contest to see who could make the most complicated potion form our potions kit. Draco won with a better love potion. Over all the day was perfect. I spent the entire day with my closest friend. Draco's parents were really nice to me. This was the best holiday I had ever had. 


(a/n) and done. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know its filler but I wanted something with just you and Draco. An ohh the flower of love is starting to blossom.  Don't worry you and Draco will have more couple scenes soon. But let's not forget you two are 11 right now so it wont go beyond a hug or kiss on the cheek just yet. Anyways until next time.              


Draco Malfoy x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora