"Cutting it close again, are we Michelle?" Mr. Jones laughed.

"Yes Sir." I said saluting him and taking my seat. Mr. Jones was the coolest teacher ever. He was one of those teachers that liked some kids and hated others. You felt like you could tell Mr. Jones anything. I want to say he's around twenty five? Maybe. He's got the sweetest five year old daughter though.That was random wasn't it?

The bell rang just as Nick walked through the door. Everyone took their seats.

"Nick, you're almost late everyday. Please try to get here a little earlier." Mr. Jones said sternly. As I said he liked some students [me] and hated others [Nick].

"I'm here aren't I?" He mumbled.

"Sit." Jones directed.

"Hey Shelly." He laughed sitting next to me. I shook my head. I got jealous glares from girls around the room. I swear I saw one guy even glare at me. But the scariest look I got was from Katie. The senior captain on the dance and cheer team. Swear she was about to rip my head off just for talking to Nick. Even though Nick and her broke up a week ago everyone new that Nick was still hers.

"I hate when you sit next to me during class." I whined.

"Now why is that?" He asked. We both took out paper and pencils as directed and started copping notes.

"Your a distraction." I muttered.

"Is it because of my hotness?" Nick asked cockily.

"Don't get too full of yourself big boy." I replied staring at the white board. I copied a few notes before Nick started being annoying again.

"Hey Michelle guess what?" Nick whispered in my ear. I shivered, god damn! Why was I letting this player get to me? He chuckled. Shoot!

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Hi." He laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"Your a jerk." I mumbled hitting his shoulder. He laughed again and he left me alone for the rest of class. After what seemed like hours the bell rang signaling the end of class. I jumped out of my seat and headed out the door. I needed to get away from Nick, he thinks he's so funny. Not. I made my way to my locker and opened it up.

"Hey Michelle." I turned around to see a short girl. She was Asian, dark black hair, pretty blue eyes, and very short. Probably even shorter than Kylie.

"Hi... Not trying to be rude but... do I know?" I asked confused.

"Oh no, sorry. I'm Naya." She said extending her hand. I shook it and smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I mumbled.

"Yeah, you too. Anyways I came over here to tell you, you should really join the dance team. Kylie told me she talked to you about it, but you know her, in through one ear out the other." Naya said. Silly Kylie. She loved dance. She made me come to a class with her before, I was really good but never really continued. I dance when I was around five or six in my old town but never did it again. Gosh damn! Was I really that much of a quitter?

"Thanks, but I can't." I declined. I couldn't possibley juggle sining, soccer, and my studies, could I?

"We need another dancer. Plus, dance looks good on a college application." Naya responded smiling. I nodded. She was totally right. And if I couldn't handle all of them I could quit, it's nothing new.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay? Sweet! Here just drop by after school today, I'm pretty sure Kylie's coming." She said. I nodded and then walked away. Even though it was winter Nick still had football training, and Kylie had dance. So I guess I would just be spending more time with Kylie.

My Best friend's BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now