Chapter One

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Five years later.......

   “I wonder what Father wants?” Faramir pondered aloud as he and his brother made their way to the throne room.

   Boromir shrugged, but didn’t say anything. Actually Denethor had only asked for Boromir, but Faramir was a thirteen year old boy and wasn’t too keen on listening. Besides, Boromir liked to have his little brother’s presence around. He usually went everywhere, following him like a second shadow.

   The two sentinels standing guard outside the throne room bowed their heads respectively to the two young princes, and opened the doors as they approached. Inside, Denethor was lounging proudly on his seat before the throne. He gaze fell on Boromir first, and he smiled slightly. Then noticing Faramir, it faded and became a scowl.

   “My eldest son.” Denethor’s gaze turned back to Boromir as he addressed his heir. He chose not to acknowledge his youngest as he stood and moved closer.

   “Father.” Boromir began, faking a smile. “You called for me?”

   “Aye, son. I did.”

   Boromir wasn’t certain he liked the gleam in his father’s eyes.

   “As you know, today is your eighteenth birthday, and as such I have decided that you should be able to prove yourself worthy of the Tower Guard.” Denethor placed his hands on Boromir’s shoulders, still smiling easily. “Tomorrow you will ride with the men to engage in an attack on the Easterlings. They are causing trouble on the border again.”

   Boromir couldn’t help but allow a small gleam of pleasure into his eyes. He was getting to ride with the soldiers of Minas Tirith for the first time! The troops he would one day command.

   Then Boromir cast a glance back at his brother. Faramir’s grey eyes were lowered, but Boromir could practically see the grief hidden there. If Boromir left then there would not be anyone here to protect him, or comfort him, or save him from their father’s scorn. Faramir glanced upward slightly, and Boromir’s heart almost shattered at the forlorn look his little brother wore upon his face.

   Faramir had always had an elvish wisdom about him, but now that ethereal quality was mixed in his eyes with a profound sadness. Boromir wished he could gather his little brother up in his arms, but it would only serve to embarrass him in front of their father.

   Turning back around Boromir said somewhat gravely, “Aye, Father.”

   Denethor scowled at the affectionate looks that passed between his sons. He’d done his best to get rid of that love between them. A soldier could not afford the weakness of affection, he told himself. But nothing seemed to work, and Faramir never seemed to get jealous over the attention he gave to his eldest.

   That is fine. Let him sulk. Denethor thought. As soon as he is old enough I am sending him to command the Rangers far from here.

   “I shall see you at the banquet tonight. You are dismissed.” He said, returning to his chair.

   Both boys nodded, bowed, and exited the room

   They walked silently down the corridors, Faramir struggling to keep up with Boromir’s long strides. Faramir kept his head down and every now and then he would swipe a hand across his eyes to keep the tears at bay.

   Suddenly he felt Boromir grab his shoulders and pull him down a deserted hall, before pulling his little brother into his embrace. Faramir let out a soft sob.

   “Shh, little brother. Do not weep. I will not be gone for long and I will make sure you stay safe while I am gone.” Boromir murmured. He whispered words of comfort until finally Faramir pulled away slightly to wipe his cheeks.

   Faramir looked up at his softly smiling brother, seeing through the compassion a wall of worry in his gaze. “But, Boro, I’m worried for you! What if something happens to you?”

   Boromir was his protector, his guardian, his friend, mother, brother, and father. He was so many things to Faramir that he couldn’t even begin to count them.

   Boromir kissed his brother’s head before pulling back to gaze solemnly into his sibling’s eyes. “Fara, I promise nothing will happen to me.” After a pause he added teasingly, “I am rather adequate with a sword after all.”

   Faramir smiled faintly, and Boromir wrapped an arm around his slender shoulders saying, “Come, and let us go back to practicing drills. I will need them soon enough and I need to know all that I can.”

   He led them back outside.

   Now, Boromir thought satirically, all I have to do is keep him from doing anything foolish while I’m gone.

   He looked down at his little brother’s raven colored locks that came just to his jaw line, and smiled wryly.

If I Die Young (Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now