"do you have webcam?" sifuhotman typed.

"Yeah, why?" sugarqueen_85 answered.

"Turn it on"


a moment later there was a pop up that a video message had started. He turned his webcam on as well.

He saw Katara on his screen as well as his own in the lower corner. He grabbed the second bottle of beer and held it up to camera. He then made a showing of opening it up for her and pretending to pass it to her.

" Aww... that's so sweet of you," she said blowing a kiss to the camera

"You're welcome." He said, "Nice pj's by the way. Is it cold there?"

She was sitting on the chair with her right leg up on the seat, wearing very short sweatshorts. It was obviously cold in the room because he could see her tan nipples through the thin fabric of the white tank top. He saw her look down at herself and blushing, instantly sat crossed leg on the chair and pulled out the top a bit to try to make it a bigger to hide her breasts.

"Perv," she said shaking a finger at him.

They rambled back and forth about things going on in their lives- traveling around with Aang, how their families were doing. Zuko was getting a bit bored which made him tired.

"well, I'm going to go to bed now" he finally said.

She gave a pout, "Wait! Do you have a deck of cards?"

He raised an eyebrow in curiousity, "Yeah, why?"

She jumped from her seat, "Just go grab em and maybe something a bit stronger than that beer. We're going to play a game."

He then saw leave the room. He followed her lead and went to the living room to grab a pack of cards and the bottle of whiskey from the wet bar in the living room, returning to his office. He closed the door behind him and locked it as quietly as possibly. She was on the screen waiting for him shuffling her deck. He noticed a bottle with clear liquid inside it next to her.

"okay now what?" he asked.

"Have you ever played war?" she asked.

"Yeah years ago. But how do we play over the computer?

"We hold up a card and whoever has the lowest card has to either take a shot or remove a piece of clothing."

Zuko was in mid drink of his last beer when she said this. The liquid nearly came out his nose as he coughed and sputtered. She started laughing.

"So wanna play with me?" she taunted, eyebrow raised.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe he was going to do this

"Sure. But don't I have the advantage of more clothes than you?" Indicating her lack of clothing. He was still dressed in the days clothes, pants, button down shirt, undershirt, etc. He saw her look down at herself again.

She scrunched her face in thought, "You're right. Hang on."

She got up from the chair and he saw her bend over (giving him a good look at her butt in the process) to pick up something off the floor. She then shimmied into a pair of jeans and pulled on a hoodie.

"There. Ready?

"Bring it on waterbender."

He held up his top card- a jack. She held up a 4. With a mock frown, she pulled off her hoodie.

She held up a Queen, he held up a 10. There went his outershirt.

She held up a two, he held up a 5. She took a swig from her bottle

A love so strong (ZUTARA)Where stories live. Discover now