Chapter 2

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Trevor's POV
I am going on a walk before I am gonna head home as I see that Brittany has been trying to talk to me for a few minutes now

"Trevor! wait up, Trevor wait up, wait up Trevor" Brittany tries to say as I keep walking not noticing her, and she is almost out of breath I turn around

"What do you want?" I ask her in a annoyed voice, I am just so annoyed at Brittany trying to follow me and talk to me

"I was wondering if we could talk right now for a few moments before we head back to the car?" Brittany asks me with a smile

"Sure thing Brittany, you know I'll always be there for you" I say to her and hug her, then we start to walk

"So.." Brittany bites her lip for a second "You've heard of Trittany haven't you?" Brittany asks me, I wonder where she found that out

"Yea, how'd you find that out?" I ask her feeling confident, but in all honesty, if I was forced to date her, I still wouldn't

"Funny thing, after you two broke up she said it was because of Trittany and that almost everyone at work and our fans want us together...." Brittany says and then bites her lip

"Well, if our fans want it, and our friends want it, and our co-workers want it, we should give it what they want" I say and start to hold her hand

Brittany becomes flirty.. I am growing to like her a bit more... When I get home I get to twitter and tweet

Hello guys awesome news Trittany is official it just happened guys and I  just can't wait to see her again

And then follow that tweet with

But the sad news is that we're 3 hours apart, love y'all and hope you guys stay cool and fresh, Trevor out

On the first tweet I get comments like "OMG YES" and "YAY Trittany is official" and some "Congrats" on the 2nd tweet I get "Awe" "Oh" "Sad" and "I feel bad for you" plus some "Stay strong" "hang in there buddy" and "Keep it together" but then one that stood out tomorrow was from Brittany 

"Well I'll see you every day until we finish filming the season-Britt" and then everyone starts to go crazy, well I have crazy fans, 

And that's what I'll have to deal with but I always know that Brittany will have my back when it comes to fans... wait, am I actually in love with her?

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