Faye is already up, doing her morning yoga when I enter our room.

         “How was your night?” I ask.

         “Uneventful. I couldn’t sleep because of the music, but otherwise fine. I finished my book.” She says and holds up The Perks of Being a Wallflower for me to see.

         “You finished the whole thing in just one night?” I ask incredulously, she had just begun reading it when I had left last night. It took me about three days to read it, this girl really surprised me in more than one way.

         “Yeah, it wasn’t that hard. I liked the way it was written.” She shrugs and places the book on her nightstand, “How was your night?” she continues as she moves into the boat pose.

         “Fine, I saw something strange though, and I really need to tell a certain person about it, but Fred said I shouldn’t. That I should keep it to myself, because it is none of my business.”

         “What did you see?” Faye rolls around to her stomach and proceeds to move into the dolphin.

         “Well . . . I saw Phoenix and Sky . . . together.” I hesitantly say. Faye lifts her head to look at me.


         “You know, together! They were making out in the trees behind the Taurus house and they were naked!” I exclaim. My roommate sits down and lifts her eyebrows at me.

         “Oh, dear God. Call the cops. Playboy Phoenix cheated on his girlfriend. Again! Big fucking deal!” she unenthusiastically says, “So what? Who cares?” she continues on.

         “I just thought I should tell Avalon.” I mutter, “I thought she should know, but Fred thinks otherwise.”

         “You’re already pretty close with Avalon, right?” I nod, “Okay, that settles it then. I don’t care about this whole thing, but if you think she ought to know. I say, tell her.” Faye shrugs.


         “No biggie, can you leave now? I need to finish with my yoga.” She continues as she moves into some position I never thought possible for anyone. Without saying anything else, I leave the room. I don’t really get that girl; I’ve only known her for a few days, but still. I really try to be her friend, and every time she begins to soften up it’s like something stops her and she becomes hostile again. She really confuses me. I go outside and make my way to the Taurus house. I figure that’s where Avalon lives since she’s one of the scholarship students. Two pretty buff guys stand in front of the door, guarding it. I recognize them, because they were there yesterday as well. It doesn’t look like they’ve moved at all.

         “You are not allowed to enter the Taurus house.” One of the bulky-looking guys says when I take my first step onto the porch.

         “I just need to . . .” I begin, but the other guy interrupts me.

         “You don’t need anything in this house. Only scholarship students.” He growls evilly.

         “I don’t care! I need to speak to Avalon!” I realize now I’m yelling, but then men’s expression doesn’t change.

         “You are not allowed in here. You will need to wait for Avalon to come out if you want to talk to her.” Number one says.

         “Then can you go in and ask her to come out?”

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