Chapter 5: Day 1 at Hogwarts

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Draco and I were talking the rest of lunch about the arrangements made for me to live in the Malfoy Manor.

After lunch we had flying class so Draco and I walked outside to where we were told to line up near the brooms on the ground. Madam Hooch then arrived saying
"Good afternoon class."

We all said good afternoon Madam Hooch back. She then gave us instructions to step up to the brooms and say up.

"Up!" The broom immediately flew into my hand. I looked around and noticed that only two other people had got their brooms in their hand on their first try. One was my brother. The other was Draco. Draco smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I saw that Weasley was yelling up by now and when the broom came up it hit him square in the face. Draco and I laughed at Weasley. Finally once everyone had their brooms and Madam Hooch gave her instruction on what to do next. Then Longbottom started to fly in the air and take off hitting the castle walls and flying wildly. Draco and I along with the rest of the Slytherins were laughing at Longbottom. Longbottom then got caught on one of the statues and was screaming for help. He then fell but got caught on a torch container before falling on the ground. Madam Hooch then ran towards Longbottom and took him to the hospital wing instructing us not to get on our brooms or we would be expelled.

Draco found Longbottom's remebrall and laughed while saying

"If the fat lubber have given this a squeeze may be he would have remembered to fall on his fat ass."

I laughed at Draco's statement but my brother wasn't as happy.

-3rd PoV-

"Give back."

"No I don't think I will. I'll put it somewhere for the fat lubber to find." Draco said as he climbed onto his broom and started to fly.

"How bout on the roof? What's wrong Potter a bit beyond your reach?"

Harry then mounted his broom and was about to fly towards Malfoy when Hermione said

"Stop you know what Madam Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to ride that thing."

Harry ignored Hermione and flew towards Malfoy.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom." Harry said while trying to grab the rememball. Draco just moved out of the way.

You then got on your broom and flew up towards Draco.

"Hey Draco. How bout we play a little keep away from Potter."

Draco smiled at your idea but Harry looked at you with horror.

"(y/n), when did you start calling me Potter and why are you helping Malfoy?"

"None of your business Potter. Besides you should focus on flying rather than what I call you."

Draco then threw the ball towards you and you caught it.

"Here Potter you want the ball right?"

You had your hand out as if you were going to hand the ball to Harry but then you threw it towards Draco. Draco caught the ball and did the same thing. This went on for a couple of seconds before Draco got bored of this and then said

"Have it your way then." And threw the ball as hard as he could. Harry flew after it try to catch it. You saw what Harry was trying to do and flew after him. The two of you raced for the ball. Harry in the end caught it before you but just barely. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape saw this happening and ran down towards the field towards you two.

People were congratulating Harry on catching the ball while you were standing by Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. You were frowning at the fact that your brother caught the ball before you.

"Dam Potter got to that ball before me. Man if I was just a little faster I could have caught it."

"Don't worry about that (y/n). You were an amazing flyer. You should try out for the quidditch team. You would make a good seeker." Draco said smiling at you.

Just then Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape walked outside and asked for you two to follow them. You turned to Draco looking worried. Draco gave you a reassuring smile and you followed the two professor waking besides your brother.

"This is all your fault Potter."

"How is this my fault you were the one who was being a total git."

"Oh shut up Potter."

You stopped talking after that. McGonagall took Harry one way while Snape took you another. When it was just you and Snape he talked to you.

"That was reckless behavior Ms. Potter. If it wasn't for your great skill I would have you punished. However due to the fact that you are fine and you seem to have a good grasp on flying I think you should meet the captain of Slytherin Quidditch team."

Snape went into a classroom and came out with another boy with black hair. Snape introduced him as Marcus Flint. Snape then told Flint that he found Slytherin a new seeker. Flint smiled at this idea. You talked with Flint and Snape all the rest of class about Quidditch and being a seeker. You then walked to your last class of the day and sat next to Draco. After your day was done you told Draco that you were made the new Slytherin Seeker. Draco was super happy that you didn't get in trouble and you were now Slytherin's youngest seeker ever. You and Draco hung out the rest of the day doing your homework and sitting in the common room until you both decided to go to bed after an eventful first day.

"Goodnight Draco. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah goodnight (y/n)."

You then went upstairs took your shower and brushed your teeth and went to bed.

(A/n) and end. I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be the Troll and your quidditch match against Gryffindor. Until next time.


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